Formulating Effective Standards and Indexes in Citizens’ Conception of Urban Streets with the Emphasis on Vitalization(The Case Study of Mashhad’s Rahnamee Avenue)

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 540

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 شهریور 1394

چکیده مقاله:

Nowadays Iranian cities especially metropolitan areas are facing big problems such as physical, spatial, availability, transportation, etc so that such important issues are gradually being ignored. Such ignorance has affected diversification and adjustments to certain activities in the field of social spaces of the cities. Cities cannot make sense without strong interactions between citizens and urban areas. Such issue has a direct relationship with social life background i.e. vitalization and its concept grasped by citizens. The city of Mashhad as a metropolis has various neighborhoods and spatial organizations so that the analysis of vitalization conception and main factors affecting it from the viewpoint of its citizens can be taken into consideration. This study examines the mentioned issue by identifying Mashhad’s Rahnamaee Avenue as a case study in line with a basic research. Rahnamaee Avenue is located between two traffic nodes i.e. Rahnamaee T-junction crossing Ahmad Abad Boulevard and Rahnamaee Square. The variety of physical and commercial forms of Rahnamaee Avenue as a traffic and leisure center frequented by the mass of people created a dynamic nature for this place. It seems that despite such qualities, this avenue is facing critical shortages of vitalization that must be taken into consideration. The method of this study is based on a descriptive-analytical approach using about 80 questionnaires’ analyses. Theoretical principles gathered in this research are mostly based on national and international theoreticians’ opinions and then offered in the form of indexes table and theoretical framework after completing the mentioned theories. This approach uses the article written by Mr. King Young called the Case Study of Mashhad’s Rahnamaee Avenue in order to analyze the results gathered by the mentioned author and the results show that the shortages relating to the lack of vitalization in this avenue must be carefully examined by the related authorities and urban planners for the future plans.


Moahammad Arab Bani Sheybani

MA Student in Urban Design – Azad Islamic Mashhad Branch

Mahdi Seif Kashani

MA Student in Urban Design – Azad Islamic Mashhad Branch