Factors affecting the promotion of social interactions in green Residential complex approach to social stability

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 945

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 شهریور 1394

چکیده مقاله:

Social interaction or social interaction is the most basic of human socially formation of Bidirectional relationship between form and one of the most important factors to be considered to achieve social stability.In this regard, there are grounds for forming positive social interactions and efficiently to the people who are important to form relationships with others. Green space in a residential complex as the environment that provides the possibility of living together, may underlie the development of interaction between them. Collection of green residential building set quality parameters directly affect their perceptions of acceptable quality and can justify the arena of Venice and the behavior of the exchange program will positively affect the residents. The hypothesis aims to explain the role of the space created by Green housing complexes can promote social interaction parameters residents finally achieve social stability. In this research study on housing complexes in Hamadan As a case study to collect information hypothesis tests done To assess the factors affecting the promotion of social interactions in a green residential complex with social sustainability approach is possible using correlation The theoretical model of this study, the role of green spaces in residential real variable is the dependent variable residents to promote social interaction and findings were analyzed using SPSS software, Related research results based on the above assumption implies that the three factors of the physical, spatial and environmental and behavioral factors that cause social interaction among residents through green space.


Maryam Ghanbarpour

Graduate Student , nonprofit institution of higher education ABA , Abyek Qazvin , Iran

Heydar Jahan Bakhsh

PhD in Architecture , Astadyardanshgah message light , Tehran , Iran