Site selection for pressurized irrigation systems using geostatistical and GIS technique

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 796

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 خرداد 1394

چکیده مقاله:

Water is known as one of the main limiting factor in rural development and agricultural activities in arid and semi arid regions. As researchers reported, pressurized irrigation isconsidered as an efficiency technique to increase the throughput of irrigation and also raise the level of groundwater. Current study with the aim of identifying sound sites for pressurized irrigation system was done in Khaled Abad plain in Iran using geographicinformation system and geo-statistical technique to investigate the possibility of change the irrigation system from tradition to modern. In order to achieve this goal, a data set of20 samples from 10 piezometric well was analyzed. Afterward, best variorum model was fitted for some water quality parameters include EC, Cl, pH, SAR, Na, HCO3 and TDS using kriging and IDW methods. And then, suitable zones for pressurized irrigationsystems were separated using Boolean logic. The outputs of this manuscript confirmed that the geo-statistical techniques have high efficiency to investigate the spatial variationsof groundwater quality. The results also showed that the piezometric wells that are appropriate for drip irrigation spread on larger area. And sprinkler irrigation confine in smaller region in west and north-west of Khaled Abad plain. In general, results revealedthat the pressurized irrigation system is applicable in Khaled Abad Plain and change of the irrigation system from tradition to modern is possible in mentioned district


Mohammad Reza Shekari

PhD student of De-Desertification, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Kashan, Iran

Zahra Abdollahi

PhD student of watershed science and engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Sari,Iran

Seyed Javad Sadatinejhad

Associate Professor, Faculty of Modern Science and Technology, University of Tehran, Iran

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