A new kinetic modeling of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a slurry bubble column reactor using Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm

سال انتشار: 1390
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,117

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 فروردین 1394

چکیده مقاله:

A comprehensive kinetic model for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a slurry phase bubble column reactor is developed. The several mechanisms for kinetic modeling of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis have been developed in which the Langmuir isotherm is the basis of kinetic modeling of the catalytic reactions. In present study, we employed the Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm for Fischer- Tropsch synthesis that is a modification of the commonly used Langmuir isotherm. Since the Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm can predict the adsorption of gases at solid absorbent more accurate than Langmuir isotherm, thus, the new Langmuir-Freundlich-Hinshelwood (LFH) kinetic model is developed for FT synthesis so that this model is applied to correlation of the CO conversion in a slurry bubble column reactor. Using LFH model, the results of CO conversion in a slurry bubble column reactor show a very good agreement with the experiment over the wide range of the reactor conditions of 523-563K, 0.95-2.55 MPa and H2/CO ratio: 0.65-1.51. Finally, results of the new kinetic LFH model shows that the Average Absolute Deviation percentage of 5.42% for CO conversion while this value is about 10.89% using the original equation based on Langmuir isotherm.

کلیدواژه ها:

fischer tropsch synthesis ، slurry phase bubble column reator ، kinetic model ، langmuir-freundlich isotherm


a Haghtalab

department of chemical engineering tarbiat modares university tehran iran

m nabipoor

department of chemical engineering tarbiat modares university tehran iran

s farzad

department of chemical engineering tarbiat modares university tehran iran

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