Semi Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Tidal Currents in Persian Gulf
سال انتشار: 1383
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 2,070
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 آذر 1384
چکیده مقاله:
The hydrodynamic numerical simulation of the tidal currents is improved by considering the bed elevations and the complexities of the boundaries of the flow domain, including irregularly shaped islands are considered. The Admiralty Tide Tables predictions for water level fluctuations are used as the flow boundary conditions at Hormuz strait. In order to compute the propagation of the tidal waves all over the gulf, the depth-integrated equations of the continuity equation and motion in two horizontal directions, are set as the mathematical model. The governing equations are converted to discrete form on triangular unstructured meshes using Cell Vertex Finite Volume Method. Such a model would help serve as a tool for forecasting the global currents in Persian Gulf.
Saeed-Reza Sabbagh-Yazdi
Civil Engineering Department, KN Toosi University of Technology
Mohsen Soltanpour
Civil Engineering Department, KN Toosi University of Technology
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