Providing pattern for land subdivision in urban blocks to achieve a native oriented urban system Case study of Shorkieh Street in Hamedan

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,090

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 دی 1393

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Contextualism must be approached with more than physical merging with context and in addition to cultural setting data, many of conceptual tools required in urban development must be considered. Contextualism is based on concepts arising from social values. Merging with context and aligning with it, achieving an internal and external unity in urban development system requires convergence in all designing aspects of cities. Modern cities have lost their coherence and the result is an assortment of independent and inconsistent structures that are fitted together.An issue that has led to inconsistency in urban textures in our country is method of urban land subdivision and converting large land areas to smaller parcels with no common occupancy or density. Ignoring this fact in levels of idea and action has resulted in disruption of a uniform urban texture and such unsystematic subdivisions have had various physical and spatial complications in urban system which this study examines. A number of these complications are: Lack of coherent urban pattern and structure, relatively low density in large areas of land, uncoordinated occupancies in excess of capacity of limited urban blocks, different appraisal of urban lands, uneven distribution of building heights, small distance between adjacent routes and buildings resulting in shadows casted on routes and climate issues, failure to consider pedestrian ways and lack of diversity in routes length.The present study examines Shokrieh Street in Hamedan as case study so that in addition to investigate subdivision of lands in this region to other factors that have resulted in its building exteriors, we can provide hypothetical models of other land subdivisions methods in this region with its present form.This study can provide various suggestions for unconstructed lands for subdivision ideas in the future and also for current divided lands in the constructed urban regions.


h mamani

Program director, department of architecture, Mofateh technical institute

b abassabadi

lecturer, department of architecture, Mofateh technical institute

s yazdanpour

student of master architecture Islamic Azad university, Hamedan branch