Potentiometric sensor based on carbon nanotubes paste electrode modified with cyclodextrin for dopamine

سال انتشار: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 859

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 شهریور 1393

چکیده مقاله:

The growth of analytical electrochemistry is recent years, as a branch of analytical chemistry with both practical and fundamental features, had been fast and considerable in comparison with most of its other branches. On the one hand, it is associated to integrated nature of analytical electrochemistry with biomedicine, medicine andelecteronic, also in compared to some methods from the practical aspect methods based on analyticalelectrochemistry have accuracy, high selectivity, the simplicity of performance, operation velocity and less expense.In specific part of the extensive study, researchers have worked on designing the electrochemical sensors from carbon paste type. One of way of reforming the electrode of Carbon paste is using the compound of nano tubeswhich is factored by different ways through different ligands.The mixture was then Nanocarbon factors areparaffin oil, synthetic graphite powder and cyclodextrin sensor is made of a membrane made of a combination of components is optimized. This sensor is used to measure dopamine. Potential curves are plotted versus the concentration of dopamine. For optimization and selectivity of the sensor factors such as pH, electrode response time can be improved. Dynamic range and detection limits and accuracy of the method is determined. Best response was gained by combination of following percentages: Graphite Powder 60%, Nano Carbon Powder 15%, Ligand 5%, Paraffin oil 20%.This sensor in the range of 1.0×10-2 – 1.0×10-7 it showed a Nernest slope 59.08 mv in pH=5

کلیدواژه ها:

Electrode of Carbon paste – Dopamine – Carbon Nano tube – cyclodextrin- Potentiometric – sensor


m Masrournia

Department of Chemistry, Khorasan Razavi, Science and Research branch,Islamic Azad University Neyshabur, Iran

t Yousefi

Department of Chemistry, Khorasan Razavi, Science and Research branch,Islamic Azad University Neyshabur, Iran

m.r Taghipour

Department of Chemistry, Khorasan Razavi, Science and Research branch,Islamic Azad University Neyshabur, Iran