Electronic banking: a new strategy for creating customer loyalty to investment in advancing the economic projects

سال انتشار: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 844

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 شهریور 1393

چکیده مقاله:

With technology development and the market conditions getting more competitive in different production and service sectors, loyal customer is considered as main capital of every organization. The expansion of internet global network has brought many benefits to all organizations including banks which along with considerable issues arise. Special equity of services including investment which became an important concept in marketing since 1980 is in fact the added value generated for the organization by using that service. The purpose of this research is to explain the loyalty of customers to investment through using electronic banking services in order to participate in advancing the economic projects, and also to empirically test whether this is related to trust in investment and investment special equity. Statistical population consists of customers of Saman bank in Mashad city who have substantial account balance and are able to invest in economic projects suggested by bank. And their satisfaction with electronic banking services was investigated through random sampling. Needed information was collected using a questionnaire and correlations of variables were tested by means of Pearson correlation test and multiple regression.Analysis of study findings using SPSS 16 shows that there is a positive correlation between trust in investment and investment special equity with customers’ loyalty to investment in economic projects by bank through using electronic services. And trust in investment and investment special equity are significantly related to two types of loyalty (attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty).


Seyed Salman Seyedein

Lecturer at Ghochan Payamnoor University, No. ۶۸- Koohsangi ۱/۸- Koohsangi Ave., Mashhad and

Zeinab Abedini Moghanaki

Procurement officer of ISC Co, No. ۷- Amirali Alley- Komeil Ave

Zahra Abedini Moghanaki

Graduate Student in Entrepreneurship Management at Tehran University, No. ۷- Amirali Alley- Komeil Ave