Applying Komissarov’s theory of Idioms to the Farsi Translations of Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind

سال انتشار: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,577

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 آذر 1392

چکیده مقاله:

This study was conducted to focus on the strategies used in translations of English idioms in the novel Gone with the Wind into Farsi and to study the translation counterpart variables in the Farsi translations, from a product-oriented point of view, shedding light on the areas where Farsi is different from English. The two questions raised in the study sought to detect the most dominant strategies employed by translators in translation of English idioms used in Gone with the Wind into Farsi, and to explore the Farsi translation variables of English idioms in the novel. To this end, 96 English idioms and proverbs extracted from the famous novel Gone with the Wind and then three Farsi versions were chosen and examined. Through a contrastive analysis, 288 equivalents were detected and extracted and thence tabulated and analyzed, being observed as instances of the realization of Komissarrov’s theory. The obtained results of the corpora demonstrated that the explication strategy is the most frequent and dominant kind of strategy amongst others. Furthermore, the results proved that idioms with two counterpart variables were at top of frequency list


Ahad Ataie

MA in English Language Teaching, a Faculty Member of University, Ajabshir Branch, East Azerbaijan, Iran

Farhad Pourebrahim

MA in Translation studies, Instructor, Islamic Azad University Ajabshir Branch, East Azerbaijan, Iran