Mechanical Properties of ۳D-Printed Denture Base ResinReinforced with Polyester Fabric

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 45

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 آبان 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Nowadays, dentistry has a great need for ۳D printing technology due to the customization andpersonalization of dental products, and it can be noted that ۳D printing is one of the most criticaltechnologies in the field of digital dentistry. ۳D printing technology has been widely used to constructdental products such as denture bases. This research prepared a UV-curable printable resin for denturebases, and its curing kinetics was evaluated using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).Subsequently, one-layer and two-layer composites were fabricated using ۸۰, ۱۲۰, and ۱۶۰ meshpolyester fabrics via ۳D printing, and their flexural properties were compared to the neat sample. Tothe best of our knowledge, there has yet to be a report on the fabrication of denture base compositesusing ۳D printing. The highest flexural modulus was related to the sample containing a two-layerfabric with ۱۲۰ mesh (۵ MPa), which showed a ۶۷% increase compared to the neat sample (۳ MPa).Furthermore, the flexural strength of the two-layer fabric composites with ۸۰, ۱۲۰, and ۱۶۰ mesh(۱۲۵-۱۳۰ MPa) increased by ۱۵ to ۲۰% compared to the neat sample (۱۰۸ MPa).

کلیدواژه ها:

۳D Printing ، Digital Light Processing (DLP) ، Denture Base ، Polyester Fabric ، Mechanical Properties


R. Gholamzade

Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), Iran

S. Najafi

Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), Iran

N. Joupari

Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), Iran

M. Atai

Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), Iran