Evaluation the Effect of Different Kind of Waste and Mineral Filler on the Fatigue Life of Asphalt Mixtures with Dissipated Energy Method

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 34

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 شهریور 1403

چکیده مقاله:

In recent decades, with increasing in traffic load, a great portion of repair and maintenance budget is being spent on improving the pavement failure. Asphalt fatigue, which is due to traffic cyclic loading, is one of the most important failure in asphalt pavements, therefore, increasing fatigue life in pavement can lead to a decrease in repair and maintenance budget. As a result, replacing or adding some additives to improve the fatigue behavior of the asphalt mixture, can help to reduce the fatigue cracks and increase the mixture life. In this research, fatigue behavior of asphalt mixture has been analyzed by using four point bending beam test with constant strain method on control and modified specimens with cement, coal waste and lime as filler. Fatigue behavior has been assessed at ۲ strain ۴۰۰ and ۶۰۰ with replacing cement, coal waste and lime as the filler in the mixture. Results show that using each of ۳ fillers at both strain state, leads to an improvement in fatigue life of asphalt mixture. Analyzing the results show that using above fillers could be used as an approach to improve the pavement’s function. Quantitatively, the three fillers, cement, coal waste and lime improved the fatigue life compared to the witness specimen by ۷۵%, ۵۵% and ۸.۲% at strain state of ۴۰۰ and ۱۰۷%, ۷۲% and ۷.۱% at strain state of ۶۰۰, respectively. Using coal waste can reduce the environmental issues due to coal waste deposits in addition to improving the fatigue life of asphalt mixture.


Gholamali Shafabakhsh

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

Amin Rahmani

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

Mostafa Sadeghnejad

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Engineering (Eastern Guilan), University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

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