Dart Programmi ng and Fl ut t er Framework

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 54

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 شهریور 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Dart was unvei l ed at t he GOTO conf erence i n Aarhus, Denmark, f rom Oct ober ۱۰t h t o۱۲t h, ۲۰۱۱. The proj ect was f ounded by Kasper Lund and Lars Bak. Versi on ۱.۰ of Dartwas rel eased on November ۱۴, ۲۰۱۳. I ni t i al l y, Dart f aced cri t i ci sm because i trequi red t he Dart VM f or runni ng programs i n Chrome, causi ng f ragment at i on of t heweb. These concerns l ed t o t he removal of Dart programs i n ۲۰۱۵ wi t h t he rel ease ofversi on ۱.۹, shi f t i ng f ocus t owards compi l i ng Dart t o J avaScri pt i nst ead. Therecent l y rel eased Dart ۲.۶ comes wi t h a new ext ensi on, nat i ve۲ dart , whi ch ext endsnat i ve devel opment t o Li nux, macOS, and Wi ndows operat i ng syst ems. I ni t i al l y,devel opers were onl y abl e t o creat e new t ool s usi ng Androi d or i OS devi ces.Addi t i onal l y, wi t h t hi s add-on, Dart programs can be cont ai ned wi t hi n t hei r execut abl es. Accordi ng t o company represent at i ves, i nst al l i ng t he Dart SDK i s nol onger mandat ory, and exi st i ng runt i me execut abl es can st art worki ng wi t hi nseconds. The new ext ensi on i s al so i nt egrat ed wi t h Fl ut t er, enabl i ng t he compi l ert o support smal l servi ces, such as backend support . The i nt ernat i onal Ecmacommi t t ee f ormed Techni cal Commi t t ee ۵۲TC t o work on st andardi zi ng Dart , and si nceDart can compi l e t o st andard J avaScri pt , i t ef f ect i vel y works on any modern browser


Sahar Sadeghi

Department of El ect ri cal Engi neeri ng, I sl ami c Azad Uni versi t y Shahre-Qods Branch

Hadi Hazari

Department of comput er Engi neeri ng, I sl ami c Azad Uni versi t y Shahre-Qods Branch

Mohammadreza Hadi Sol out

Department of comput er Engi neeri ng, I sl ami c Azad Uni versi t y Shahre-Qods Branch