Topical Nepafenac in Treatment of Acute Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

سال انتشار: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 37

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 مرداد 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Abstract This study had been performed to investigate the anatomic and functional outcomes of nepafenac ۰.۱% therapy in acute central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC). The medical records of ۳۰ patients with acute CSC were reviewed for a total of ۳۱ eye charts. Seventeen eye records of ۱۶ patients who were treated with topical nepafenac ۰.۱% three times daily for four weeks and continued until complete resolution of subretinal fluid were appraised. Fourteen patients with acute CSC (a total of ۱۴ eye records) who did not receive treatment served as the control group also had been recorded. The proportion of eyes with complete resolution of subretinal fluid, serial changes in the mean best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and the mean central foveal thickness (CFT) at ۶ months of therapy were the outcomes measured. Mean age was ۴۲.۶±۸.۲ years in the treatment group and ۴۱.۱±۷.۱ years in the control group (p=۰.۸۵). At ۶ months, ۱۴ eyes (۸۲.۳%) in the treatment group and ۶ eyes (۴۲.۸%) in the control group revealed a complete resolution in the subretinal fluid (p=۰.۰۲). In the treatment group, mean BCVA (LogMAR) significantly improved from ۰.۱۹±۰.۱۷ at baseline to ۰.۰۹±۰.۱۲ at ۶ months (p=۰.۰۱). In the control group, mean BCVA (LogMAR) was ۰.۱۳±۰.۱۴ at baseline and decreased to ۰.۱±۰.۱۱ at ۶ months (p=۰.۲۸). In the treatment group, mean CFT was ۳۴۹±۱۱۵ µm at baseline and significantly improved to ۲۲۱±۹۵ µm at ۶ months (p<۰.۰۱). In the control group, mean CFT declined from ۳۹۱±۱۳۸ µm at baseline to ۳۰۱±۱۲۵ µm at ۶ months (p=۰.۰۶). No treatment-related ocular or systemic side effects were observed. In conclusion, nepafenac ۰.۱% has the potential to treatment acute CSC. Further trials are warranted to study its safety and efficacy for this disease.