Prospects for HIV vaccination

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 49

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 تیر 1403

چکیده مقاله:

After the discovery of the HIV virus as the cause ofAIDS, it was expected that a vaccine for this diseasewould be produced quickly. But after thirty years,this has not happened yet. Advances in theextensive genetic diversity of HIV and our limitedunderstanding of the immune responses requiredto protect against HIV have hindered this effort. Thepurpose of this study is to examine the future of theHIV vaccine and the obstacles and challenges inmaking the vaccine.MethodologyThe present study is a systematic review study onHIV vaccine production. By searching in PubMedand Google scholar databases, the number of ۱۳national trials or several countries that had injectedHIV vaccine on nearly ۴۰,۰۰۰ people between ۱۹۸۷and ۲۰۲۰ was investigated.Results and DiscussionThe biggest challenge in creating an effective HIVvaccine has been the high rate of mutation andrecombination in the virus replication process. Theenormous genetic diversity of HIV is mainly due tothe high rate of variation of the viral envelopeglycoprotein (Env), which is ironically the maintarget of neutralizing antibodies. The high mutationrate of the genome per replication cycle enablesthe massive Env glycan shield of the virus to escapethe effects of neutralizing antibodies and otherimmune responses. In addition to the high rate ofviral mutation and recombination, the tremendousgenetic diversity around the world is anotherobstacle to vaccine development. Other challengesin HIV vaccine development include incompleteunderstanding of correlates of immune protection,lack of appropriate animal models, and limitedinvestment by the pharmaceutical industry. Inaddition, most traditional immunogenic deliverysystems have not been able to induce strong andlong-lasting immunity against HIV, and thetraditional (live-attenuated or inactivated) virusmethods used in the design of measles, mumps,and rubella vaccines are not suitable for HIV (seethe reason for concern is the risk of permanentintegration of proviral HIV DNA into the hostgenome).ConclusionsSo far, no vaccine has been completely successful inthe prevention or treatment of HIV (due to:decrease in antibody titer, lack of neutralizingantibody, HIV infection in healthy people, lack ofviral load reduction in patients and etc.). The broadscientific consensus is that the most effectiveapproach to control and ultimately end the HIVepidemic is to develop a safe, effective, affordable,easy to store (no cold chain) and accessible vaccineto prevent AIDS. Despite the high mutation rate, itis gradually being observed that multivalent HIVvaccines can be developed and used to targetconserved domains on the viral envelope.

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Sadegh Kargarian-Marvasti

PhD in Epidemiology, General MPH, Manager of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Center ofFereydunshahr, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.

Mina Motamedi Raad

MSc of Biostatistics, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,Iran.