Healthcare Professionals’ Views on Decision Support Systems for Resource Management

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 52

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 تیر 1403

چکیده مقاله:

The objective of this study is to explore healthcare professionals' views on Decision Support Systems (DSS) for resource management. It aims to identify the benefits, challenges, and effective implementation strategies associated with DSS, providing insights that can inform the optimization of these systems in healthcare settings. This qualitative research employed semi-structured interviews to gather data from ۱۲ healthcare professionals with direct experience in resource management and familiarity with DSS. Participants were purposively sampled from various departments within a large urban hospital. The interviews were conducted until theoretical saturation was achieved, with each lasting approximately ۴۵ to ۶۰ minutes. The data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using NVivo software through thematic analysis, identifying key themes and subthemes. The study identified four main benefits of DSS: improved efficiency, enhanced decision-making, cost reduction, and user satisfaction. However, several challenges were also noted, including technical issues, training and adaptation difficulties, data quality concerns, usability problems, and organizational barriers. Effective implementation strategies highlighted by participants included stakeholder engagement, comprehensive training programs, phased implementation, customization, and continuous improvement. These findings align with existing literature, underscoring the importance of addressing both technical and organizational factors to optimize DSS utilization in healthcare. Decision Support Systems offer significant advantages for resource management in healthcare, such as increased efficiency and improved decision-making. However, successful implementation requires addressing technical issues, ensuring high data quality, providing thorough training, and fostering organizational support. Engaging stakeholders, customizing the system to meet specific needs, and adopting a phased implementation approach are crucial for enhancing DSS adoption and effectiveness. These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of healthcare professionals' views on DSS, contributing to the broader discourse on optimizing technology integration in healthcare settings.The objective of this study is to explore healthcare professionals' views on Decision Support Systems (DSS) for resource management. It aims to identify the benefits, challenges, and effective implementation strategies associated with DSS, providing insights that can inform the optimization of these systems in healthcare settings. This qualitative research employed semi-structured interviews to gather data from ۱۲ healthcare professionals with direct experience in resource management and familiarity with DSS. Participants were purposively sampled from various departments within a large urban hospital. The interviews were conducted until theoretical saturation was achieved, with each lasting approximately ۴۵ to ۶۰ minutes. The data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using NVivo software through thematic analysis, identifying key themes and subthemes. The study identified four main benefits of DSS: improved efficiency, enhanced decision-making, cost reduction, and user satisfaction. However, several challenges were also noted, including technical issues, training and adaptation difficulties, data quality concerns, usability problems, and organizational barriers. Effective implementation strategies highlighted by participants included stakeholder engagement, comprehensive training programs, phased implementation, customization, and continuous improvement. These findings align with existing literature, underscoring the importance of addressing both technical and organizational factors to optimize DSS utilization in healthcare. Decision Support Systems offer significant advantages for resource management in healthcare, such as increased efficiency and improved decision-making. However, successful implementation requires addressing technical issues, ensuring high data quality, providing thorough training, and fostering organizational support. Engaging stakeholders, customizing the system to meet specific needs, and adopting a phased implementation approach are crucial for enhancing DSS adoption and effectiveness. These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of healthcare professionals' views on DSS, contributing to the broader discourse on optimizing technology integration in healthcare settings.


Dwianto Nugraha

Faculty of Teknologi dan Informatika Universitas Dinamika, Surabaya, Indonesia

Chinwendu Onuegbu

Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, ۲۱۰۳۰ Terengganu, Malaysia