Comparative assessment of some heavy metals in water and sediments from Sawa Lake, South Iraq

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 69

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 31 خرداد 1403

چکیده مقاله:

The goal of the current study was to assess a few chemical and physical properties, including water temperature and pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD۵), nitrite (NO۲), nitrate (NO۳), phosphate (PO۴) and the level of some heavy metals, like lead, cadmium, zinc, iron, manganese and nickel in water of Sawa Lake, Iraq. Three locations were selected in Lake. The samples were taken on a monthly basis from October ۲۰۲۱ to February ۲۰۲۲. The results indicated that the water temperature varied between ۱۳.۴ and ۲۵.۲۵ ºC, pH values ۸.۰۶ - ۹.۷۰, electrical conductivity ۲۷۹۸۴.۳۳- ۶۵۶۲۲.۳ µs cm-۱, dissolved oxygen ۰.۰-۴.۳ mg L-۱, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD۵; ۲.۵۸-۸.۰۸ mg L-۱), nitrite ۱.۱۴-۸.۰۲ µg L-۱, nitrate ۰.۶۵-۵۷.۱۹ µg L-۱ and phosphate ۰.۲۰-۸.۱۱ µg L-۱. The study results of heavy metals concentrations in water were as follows: lead (Pb; ۰.۰۰-۰.۳۴ mg L-۱), cadmium (Cd; ۰.۰۰-۰.۰۰۷ mg L-۱), zinc (Zn; ۰.۰۰-۰.۰۳۶ mg L-۱), iron (Fe; ۰.۲۱-۰.۷۸ mg L-۱), manganese (Mn; ۰.۰۰-۰.۱۰ mg L-۱), and nickel (Ni; ۰.۰۰-۰.۱۰ mg L-۱).  While in sediments, elements concentrations were as follows: Pb ۲.۶۶-۲۷.۱۵ mg kg-۱, Cd; ۰.۰۰۱-۰.۶۲ mg kg-۱, Zn ۱۰.۹۲-۱۷.۰۷ mg kg-۱, Fe ۱۳۸۲.۵۶-۲۲۶۸ mg kg-۱, Mn ۶۳.۲۰-۱۵۴.۹۸ mg kg-۱, and Ni ۷.۳۳-۲۳.۵۱ mg kg-۱.   The water quality of Sawa Lake under this study was exceeding the permissible limit for PH, EC, BOD۵ and NO۳. Increasing levels of heavy metals in the Sawa Lake water and sediment were over the allowable limit, implying heavy metal water pollution.


Ibtehal Aqeel Al-Taee

Department of Biology, College of Science, Al-Muthanna University, Samawa, Iraq

Ansam Saad Al-Khafaji

Department of Desert Studies Center and Sawa Lake, Al-Muthanna University, Samawah, Iraq

Alaa Jabar Mahmoud

College of Agriculture, University of Al Muthanna, Al Muthanna, Iraq

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