Fabrication of UV/ TiO۲ nanotubes / Pd system by electrochemical anodization for furfural photocatalytic degradation

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 91

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 خرداد 1403

چکیده مقاله:

The aim of this study was to degrade furfural by a new nanotube system. To degrade some organic pollutants as well as to reduce the amount of furfural which is a well-known pollutant in oil industry, the photocatalytic process along with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation may be employed. In this study, the UV/TiO۲/Pd system in which the nanoparticles of palladium doped into the titanium dioxide was proposed for degradation of furfural. The rate of furfural decomposition in the proposed system was more than that of the system without TiO۲ foils due to the degradable reactions. The experimental results demonstrate that the maximum degradation occurs at a distinct pH and specific temperature under the UV irradiation. After ۱۰۰-minute UV-irradiation duration, the maximum and minimum degradations were ۹۷.۸% (pH ۳), and ۹۵.۸% (pH ۱۲), respectively. Also, the degradation values were as parabolic function at the pH values. The values of efficiency of decomposition for this irradiation duration at optimum pH ۳ were ۹۶.۷% and ۹۸.۵% at ۳۰◦C and ۴۰◦C, respectively. Also, the minimum degradation under photolysis was ۹۳.۵۲% at ۳۰oC under ۲۰-minute UV-irradiation duration. Furthermore, while the irradiation duration was ۷۰-۷۵ min, the degradation values were independent of pH approximately. The difference between the degradation values at ۳۰ and ۴۰◦C was decreased with increasing the UV-irradiation duration till ۶۰min, and then this difference was increased with increasing the UV-irradiation duration.


H. Dehghani Ashkezari

University of Tehran

H. Sid kalal

Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute

H. Hoveidi

University of Tehran

M.R. Almasian

Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute

M. Ashoor

Atomic Energy Organization of Iran

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