Butea monosperma as a collective phytomedicine, including environmentally sustainable, conservative and beneficial plant

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 60

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 خرداد 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Nature exists as a golden spot and supplies the remedies to treat all diseases of mankind. Plant kingdom stand for plethora of natural compounds, well known for utilized in therapeutic applications and might act the way for expansion of novel mediators having decent efficiency in many pathological disorders in future. In India and throught the world herbs becoming principle and popular medicine. Recognized green medicines are better than synthetic one with less side effects. From ancient periods plants have been intended for their medicinal properties for treating various health ailments because of their lesser side effects, availability of the agent, their cost and potential effectiveness. Medicinal value of plants comes from various vegetative parts of the plant including flowers, fruit, bark, roots, leaves, seeds and its modified parts. The Indian forests are the major repository of remedial and aromatic medicinal plants, which are composed for production of plethora remedies against various diseases. Butea monosperma is one of traditional ayurvedic medicinal plant considered as rich source of ingredients which can be used in drug development as home remedies to treat various diseases such as diarrhea, constipation, hypertension, dehydration, bronchial asthma, leucorrhea, infection, liver, stomach disorders including cancer. The seed powder known for having specific pharmaceutical and insecticidal activities. This study highlights the traditional ayurvedic importance of a eminent medicinal plant Butea monosperma, with its active chemical constituents, pharmacological importance, environmentally sustainable, ecological, and economical importance of the plant. This plant can be planted everywhere to make use of its versatile applications.


Kavita Hiremath

School of Life Science, Central University of Karnataka, kalaburagi-۵۸۵۳۶۷, Karnataka, India

Dheeraj Veeranagoudar

Department of Zoology, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India

Kavya Bojja

School of Life Science, Central University of Karanataka Kalaburagi-۵۸۵۳۶۷,Karnataka, India

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