Ventricular fibrillation and transient loss of consciousness following the detachment of a foreign body related to the right subclavian port

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 68

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 خرداد 1403

چکیده مقاله:

With the rapid advancement and widespread use of invasive cardiovascular methods, we are witnessing an increase in problems related to working methods, including remaining objects within the blood vessels. This can lead to complications such as thrombosis, the movement of foreign bodies to vital organs, arrhythmia, and infection. The removal of these objects is done through surgical methods or interventions, with catheter-based methods being preferred naturally.مقدمه/ بیان مساله :Foreign bodies in the heart are rare, may reach the heart by different ways, and cause serious complications. X-ray, computerized tomography, and echocardiography are main diagnostic modalities. Foreign body can be removed surgically, percutaneously or can be managed conservatively معرفی بیمار :A middle-aged female patient presented to the hospital after experiencing three episodes of transient decrease in consciousness following ventricular fibrillation. Upon arrival, she complains of chest pain. The patient has a history of hypertension and colon cancer, for which she underwent chemotherapy through a right subclavian port years ago. The initial assessment of the patient convinced the physician to perform an echocardiography and subsequently a coronary angiography. During the initial fluoroscopic examination, the presence of a foreign body in the right ventricle, originating from the detached port, was noticed. Attempts were made to remove this object using snare catheter, but due to its strong adhesion to the heart wall, it was not successfully removed. Therefore, the patient was deemed a candidate for heart surgery to remove the object.


فردین ممدی خوشرو

کارشناس پرستاری, واحد توسعه و تحقیقات بالینی بیمارستان شهید رجایی,البرز, ایران

عیسی هاشمی

کاردیو اینترونشنال, بیمارستان تخت جمشید,البرز, ایران

مهران جلدانی

کارشناس پرستاری, واحد توسعه و تحقیقات بالینی بیمارستان شهید رجایی,البرز, ایران

مسلم بیات

کارشناس پرستاری, واحد توسعه و تحقیقات بالینی بیمارستان شهید رجایی,البرز, ایران

لیلا پورمحمدیان

کارشناس پرستاری, واحد توسعه و تحقیقات بالینی بیمارستان شهید رجایی,البرز, ایران