The How could I improve the English knowledge level of the eighth grade students of Esmatiyeh school in Lariyan village in Manoujan city , in Kerman province

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 89

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 خرداد 1403

چکیده مقاله:

The current research was conducted in the academic year of ۱۴۰۱ in the eighth grade of Esmatiyeh Middle School, located in Manujan city, in the village of Larian, with ۲۲ students. The language is English, and the purpose of this research is to improve the level of learning of the eighth grade students in the English language course and to improve understanding its concepts through re-teaching them English letters. Based on this, the researcher uses scientific methods from various research sources such as:The manager, colleagues, students, books, magazines and the internet analyzed them to identify the effective factors in creating the problem and finding proposed solutions. Then she chose several practical ways from among the proposed solutions and after validation Some of them were implemented by the research group, which were: re-teaching the English alphabet, using capital and small letters , flash cards with the names and sounds of the letters, finding letters in the English texts of textbooks, training and repeating and practicing Simple words consisting of the letters taught in each session, making vocabulary flash cards by students and installing them in the classroom, playing alphabet songs during teaching in the class.It should be noticed that after performing the above solutions, the researcher was able to increase the frequency of students improved in distinguishing alphabets , reading ,and understanding English language concepts from ۱۰% to ۷۰%. In the end, it was concluded that re-teaching the alphabet in the second grade of high school, and repeating and practicing the letters at the beginning of the school year and strengthening the visual and auditory memory of the students improving learning and understanding the concepts of the second grade book Secondary has been effective.The current research was conducted in the academic year of ۱۴۰۱ in the eighth grade of Esmatiyeh Middle School, located in Manujan city, in the village of Larian, with ۲۲ students. The language is English, and the purpose of this research is to improve the level of learning of the eighth grade students in the English language course and to improve understanding its concepts through re-teaching them English letters. Based on this, the researcher uses scientific methods from various research sources such as: The manager, colleagues, students, books, magazines and the internet analyzed them to identify the effective factors in creating the problem and finding proposed solutions. Then she chose several practical ways from among the proposed solutions and after validation Some of them were implemented by the research group, which were: re-teaching the English alphabet, using capital and small letters , flash cards with the names and sounds of the letters, finding letters in the English texts of textbooks, training and repeating and practicing Simple words consisting of the letters taught in each session, making vocabulary flash cards by students and installing them in the classroom, playing alphabet songs during teaching in the class. It should be noticed that after performing the above solutions, the researcher was able to increase the frequency of students improved in distinguishing alphabets , reading ,and understanding English language concepts from ۱۰% to ۷۰%. In the end, it was concluded that re-teaching the alphabet in the second grade of high school, and repeating and practicing the letters at the beginning of the school year and strengthening the visual and auditory memory of the students improving learning and understanding the concepts of the second grade book Secondary has been effective.


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