Present study describes the length-weight (LWR) and length-length (LLR)
relationships of a freshwater
catfish Eutropiichthyes vacha Hamilton from Indus River, Sindh, Pakistan. A total of ۲۸۱ specimen of E. vacha were collected from fisherman?s catch from February ۲۰۰۵ to January ۲۰۰۶, are used for this study. The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship were calculated as W= aLb are presented. The values for allometric coefficient b of the LWR were close to isometric value for male (b = ۳.۱۵۹) and combined values for both sexes (b = ۳.۰۵۳). However, it suggested negative allometric growth for females (b = ۲.۹۷۳). Results for LLRs indicated that these are highly correlated (r۲ > ۰.۹) P< ۰.۰۰۰۱. REFERENCES Agarwal, N.K. (۱۹۹۶) Fish reproduction. APH Publishing Corporation, N. Delhi. pp. ۱۵۷. Begenal, T. and Tesch, F.W. (۱۹۷۸) Age and Growth. Method for assessment of fish production in freshwater. (ed. Bagenal T.), IBP Hand book, Blackwell Scientific Press, Oxford. Hossain, M.Y., Ahmed, Z. F., Leunda, P. M., Jasmine, S., Oscoz, J. Miranda, R. and Ohtomi, J. (۲۰۰۶) Condition, length-weight and length-length relationship of the Asian striped
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