Factors of the Emergence and Spread of Radicalism and Terrorism in the Muslim World

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 60

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 خرداد 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Referring to the current literature of radicalism and terrorism, one can find various aspects of it that unfortunately deal with all spheres of public life in thought, politics, society, and economics and have a negative impact on international relations; all these matters show the importance of understanding the roots of radicalism and its rising. The present paper attempts to find the bases, contexts, and factors of radicalism, its rise and formation, especially in the Muslim world. The purpose of this study is to search the intellectual infrastructure and factors of appearance and emersion of radicalism and terrorism, hence the main question of this study is to examine the context, background and factors of radicalization and the emergence of the idea in the greater Muslim community. Despite all teachings of the Holy Quran, the value of immunity and protection of human lives, what happened to so-called Muslims that without fear and without any regard for their own lives kill and harm themselves, women, children, and innocent people. In answer to this question, some hypothesis is presented in that the relevant factors can be divided into two parts: theoretical-cum-intellectual and sociological factors.  In the section on theoretical-cum-intellectual factors, some factors such as non-comprehensive and wrong analysis of the holy and sacred texts; overcoming of feelings and emotions over reason and rationality, a feeling of injustice and unfairness, despairing from current situation, hence lack of hope for coming up with improvement and reform. Sociologically, some factors such as utilization of extremism as an instrument in foreign relations by certain superpowers, poverty, incorrect foreign relations of some superpowers and processes of globalization are some important grounds and factors that may lead to radicalism extension in recent decades. This study was conducted according to the sociology of knowledge.


Sayyid Kazem Seyed Bagheri

Associate professor at the research center of Islamic thinking and culture

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