The role temperament and character dimensions and self-compassion in predicting quality of life women with musculoskeletal pain

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 73

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1403

چکیده مقاله:

The purpose of this study was to determine the role self-compassion and temperament character dimensions and in predicting quality of life women with musculoskeletal pain. This descriptive study is of correlative kind. Population ofthe research includes all the patients suffering from musculoskeletal pains who had referred to medical centers of Ardabil City. Sample of the study was ۲۱۰ patients suffering from musculoskeletal pains whom were selected by an available manner. For collecting data, questionnaires ofself-compassion Raes & et al (۲۰۱۱), Temperament and character dimension Cloninger et al (۱۹۹۴) andquality of life were used. Obtained data was analyzed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regressions.The results of analyzing the multiple regressions showed that self-compassion (%۳۱),dimensions of temperament (%۲۲) and dimensions of character (%۳۱) explained the common variance of quality of lifeWorld Health Organization (۱۹۸۹).These findings show that self compassion and temperament and characterdimensions  has a considerable role in predicting quality of life of the patients suffering from musculoskeletal pains. These results have important implications in prevention, pathology and clinical deal.


بهزاد تقی پور

MA in clinical Psychology, Faculty of human Sciences, University of Islami azad, Ardabil unit, Ardabil, Iran

سیده فاطمه شریفی

MA in clinical Psychology, Faculty of human Sciences, University of Islami azad, Ardabil unit, Ardabil, Iran

فریبا عبدی

MA in clinical Psychology, Faculty of human Sciences, University of Islami azad, Ardabil unit, Ardabil, Iran

رقیه برزگران

MA in clinical Psychology, Faculty of human Sciences, University of Islami azad, Ardabil unit, Ardabil, Iran

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