Optimization and analysis of ship engine torsion injection pattern based on evolutionaryalgorithms

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 106

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 اردیبهشت 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Due to the significant impact of injectors on ship engine performance, efficiency and stability, injectordesign is very important. Evolutionary algorithms are a computer program based on evolutionary artificialintelligence that solves problems using processes that mimic the behaviors of living organisms. As such,it uses mechanisms commonly associated with biological evolution, such as reproduction, mutation, andcompound replacement. In general, evolutionary algorithms are a discovery-based approach to solveproblems that cannot be easily solved in polynomial time. Method: To start our algorithm, we first needto create an initial population of solutions. A population consists of an arbitrary number of possiblesolutions to a problem, often called members or populations. It is often generated haphazardly (within theconstraints of the problem), and is primarily centered around what is thought to be ideal. Result: Differentmodes of liquid plane failure occur according to the amount of injector drop. These modes are named asfollows: drip mode, onion mode, tulip mode and atomization mode. Dripping mode occurs at low pressuredrops and the liquid to The form of a droplet drips from the nozzle outlet of the injector, with the increasein pressure drop, the liquid plate is formed and becomes a cone shape, but this cone is gathered a littlelower and creates a shape like an onion. The further increase, the pressure causes the cone to open and theshape The next, that is, the same state, forms a tulip, finally, with further increase, the pressure of thespray cone reaches a fully developed state and creates a complete cone. In this research, all the statesmentioned in different pressure drops were observed


Seyed Ali Hosseini

Master's student, Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, TehranIran:

Hamed Saeedi Gogerchin

Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, TehranIran

Morteza Mollajafari

Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,Iran

Ali Ghasemian Moghadam

Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,Iran