A study and analysis on the relationship between feedback and employment and job burnout of nurses (a converging study with mixed methods)

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: فارسی
مشاهده: 125

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 فروردین 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Job burnout or dysfunction can be defined as the breakdown of mental powers that is sometimes associated with depression and comes from trying to help mentally ill people or people under mental pressure. Job burnout is a symptom of excessive emotional exhaustion following years of conflict and commitment to work and people. In other words, job burnout is physical, emotional and mental fatigue after being in a hard work position for a long time. This syndrome is a state in which the power and ability of people is low and their desire and desire to do work and activities is reduced. Job burnout is a consequence of constant and frequent job pressure. In this way, a person feels pressure in his work environment due to internal and external factors, and this pressure is continuous and several times and finally turns into a feeling of exhaustion. Job burnout is defined as a lack of energy and vitality, and a person suffering from job burnout shows a dull feeling towards performing work behavior. A person with competing and simultaneous responsibilities will feel pulled in several directions. This will lead to work fatigue and eventually burnout. The first injury of burnout is suffering from physical exhaustion such as headache, nausea, lack of sleep, and changes in eating habits. Emotional exhaustion such as depression, feeling helpless, feeling ineffective in one's job, as well as developing negative attitudes towards oneself, job, organization and life in general are the next consequences of unemployment. Job burnout is an inhibiting factor for creating and expanding job satisfaction. Job burnout is not a disease or a mental disorder, but if it is not taken care of, it will definitely be a problem. Job burnout can be included in the category of adaptation disorders. Researches show that general doctors and nurses suffer from unemployment more than other workers. In general, burnout has been identified as one of the common problems in various professions, especially the nursing profession. Job burnout is one of the main factors in reducing productivity and causing physical and psychological complications. The effects of job burnout sometimes cause procrastination in jobs as well, the consequences of procrastination can be deliberately delaying work and wasting time. In this article, we study and analyze the relationship between feedback and job engagement and job burnout of nurses (a convergent study with mixed methods).


Mahsa Sadeghi Garmaroudi

Master of educational management, Islamic Azad University, Tonkabon Branch, Mazandaran, Iran