Assessment of livestock production and available feed resources in Bedele District, Oromia

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 88

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 اسفند 1402

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The study was conducted in Bedele district, Bunno Bedele Zone of Oromia regional state from December to February aimed to assess livestock production system and available major livestock feed resource. Single-visit-multiple-subjects formal survey technique was used to collect data with the use of pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaires prepared in the local language. The collected data was managed and organized with MS-Excels (۲۰۰۷) and was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (version ۲۰).The major livestock production constraints in the study area were feed shortage followed by disease, water scarcity and low genetic potential. Natural pasture and crop residue were the main livestock feed resource in Bedele district. An average of ۱۲.۴۴ tons of feed dry matter was produced per household from the major availablefeed resources, in which ۸۳.۵۸% was obtained from crop residue. The total annual feed dry matter produced in the study area was significantly higher (P<۰.۰۵) in rural (۱۴.۸۴ tons) than in the peri-urban (۵.۹۶ tons) kebeles. Overall livestock feed balance in terms of dry matter yield showed that a total of ۱۴۹۲.۴ tons of DM (tDM) per annum was produced for a total TLUvalue of ۷۹۶.۴۹ and ۱۸۱۶.۸ tDM is required with a negative balance of ۳۲۴ DM. Hence, the study indicates that the available feed DM satisfy ۸۲.۱۶% of DM requirement for both rural and peri-urban kebelesThe study was conducted in Bedele district, Bunno Bedele Zone of Oromia regional state from December to February aimed to assess livestock production system and available major livestock feed resource. Single-visit-multiple-subjects formal survey technique was used to collect data with the use of pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaires prepared in the local language. The collected data was managed and organized with MS-Excels (۲۰۰۷) and was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (version ۲۰).The major livestock production constraints in the study area were feed shortage followed by disease, water scarcity and low genetic potential. Natural pasture and crop residue were the main livestock feed resource in Bedele district. An average of ۱۲.۴۴ tons of feed dry matter was produced per household from the major availablefeed resources, in which ۸۳.۵۸% was obtained from crop residue. The total annual feed dry matter produced in the study area was significantly higher (P<۰.۰۵) in rural (۱۴.۸۴ tons) than in the peri-urban (۵.۹۶ tons) kebeles. Overall livestock feed balance in terms of dry matter yield showed that a total of ۱۴۹۲.۴ tons of DM (tDM) per annum was produced for a total TLUvalue of ۷۹۶.۴۹ and ۱۸۱۶.۸ tDM is required with a negative balance of ۳۲۴ DM. Hence, the study indicates that the available feed DM satisfy ۸۲.۱۶% of DM requirement for both rural and peri-urban kebeles


Ashenafi Miresa

Jimma University

Solomon Demeke

Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Jimma University

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