Prevalence of atherosclerosis risk factors in sowmesara district of Gilan in ۱۹۹۶

سال انتشار: 1376
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: فارسی
مشاهده: 43

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اسفند 1402

چکیده مقاله:

to determine the prevalence of atherosclerosis risk factors in urban and rural population in north of Iran.a multistage survey of general population above ۲۵ years of age was carried out by random sampling in sowmesara distriet of Gilan province.which included ۹۷۳ males and ۱۳۵۷ females.the high risk factors investigated were :smoling,hypertension,blood lipids,confirmed diabetes,age,sex,obesity,family history of heart problems,personality type,blood group and blood uric acid.the average age of the sample population was ۴۰.۸ years(SD=۱۳.۹۲) of which ۱۷.۴% were tobacco users.comfirmed hypertension was declared in ۱۳.۷% of sample population.among ۲۴۲۳ persons,۳۰.۳% had cholesterol level ranging from ۲۰۰-۲۳۹mg/۱۰۰ml and in ۱۶.۲% it was above ۲۴۰mg/۱۰۰ml.HDL level of ۲۸.۱% (۶۸۱ persons) was less than ۳۵mg/۱۰۰ml.LDL level ۱۳۰mg/۱۰۰ml was found in ۷۱.۵%(۳۰۶ persons).high triglyceride (above ۲۴۰mg/۱۰۰ml) was found in ۲۲.۹% of population.prevalence of confirmed diabetes mellitus was ۶.۸%(۸.۲% in rurals and ۵.۶% in urbans).fasting blood suger above ۱۱۰mg/۱۰۰ml was found in ۴.۶% of urbans and nearly double (۹.۷%)in rurals.۲۷.۲% of sample population reported positive  family history of coronary artery disease.
