The Labor Nature Changes and its Regulation Challenge Caused by Global Digitalization of Business

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 68

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 اسفند 1402

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The digital technologies development and widespread in economy and social sphere led toserious labor nature changes and appearance new problems in labor market. The avalanchelike information flows growth, complication of production and technological processesrequires countries to use actively as possible the advantages of new technologies in order toincrease the competitiveness of their economies. The analysis of digital technologies impacton modern business processes in manufacturing and services sectors revealed the changes infunctions and requirements for employees’ knowledge, skills and competencies. Thisnecessitates the search for new approaches to the labor organization, modification the formsand social and labor relations content within the company and the labor market as well.Thanks to modern technologies, opportunities are opening up for creating new jobs,increasing productivity and production efficiency, and new industries and specialtiesemergence. New digital technologies-based production business models need workers withprofessional as well as developed cognitive and socio-behavioral skills in complex problemsolving, logical thinking, teamwork, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions andcircumstances. The skills are acquired through learning lifelong. In industrialized countries,including Russia, as the conducted studies indicated employment becomes more flexible, butless stable in connection with the business digitalization. In this regard, the authors proposethe measures to ensure the companies personnel potential development, the labor forcecompetitiveness increase in response to the global technological changes’ challenges

کلیدواژه ها:

Digital technology ، Business models ، Labor organization ، Social and labor relations ، Employment ، Employees’ skills and competencies


Olga V. Azoeva

Economics and Finance Institute, State University of Management, Moscow, Russian federation

Larisa Yu. Mikhalevich

Economics and Finance Institute, State University of Management, Moscow, Russian federation

Vladislav A. Ostapenko

Economics and Finance Institute, State University of Management, Moscow, Russian federation

Galina A. Shim

Economics and Finance Institute, State University of Management, Moscow, Russian federation