A new approach in food packaging: smart, active, biodegradable nanobiocomposite

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 76

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اسفند 1402

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The change and diversity of food production and breeding systems, change in lifestyle, increase in tourism and immigration along with the increase in global food trade have made the risk of foodborne diseases even more evident. The lack of food resources, the idea of storing and increasing shelf life of food storage, have encouraged researchers to find a way to improve food quality, long-term storage and reduce the value of food products. Therefore, new studies are focused on the development of new methods, techniques, and procedures in order to processing, packaging, and implementing quality control of food as well as the supply system of food products. Meanwhile, food packaging is one of the most effective approaches to achieve this goal. Food packaging in the food chain to facilitate transportation, flexibility, improve shelf life, organoleptic characteristics and reduce physicochemical changes (moisture, Color, taste, weight and texture (bioavailability), as well as food protection against microbial and chemical contamination are used. According to the research of the researchers, smart packaging containing indicators (O۲ and CO۲ detectors, pH indicators (goodness, temperature and time) sensors, as well as biosensors of pathogenic bacteria have been introduced to detect the freshness of food products. Using the pH indicator in the form of a smart packaging (in the form of a modified atmosphere, time-temperature changes) and following the creation of volatile nitrogen compounds during food spoilage, to consumers It makes it possible to distinguish between fresh and spoiled food without opening the package. The use of natural antimicrobial compounds ( extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants) in smart packaging can increase the shelf life of food by inhibiting foodborne pathogens or delaying the changes of microbial and chemical spoilage. Biopolymers (protein, carbohydrates and lipids or combination of them) are used to prepare biodegradable film for food packaging and should be renewable, cheap , produced from waste and as a coating or film on the material. The use of nano properties through the improvement of the materials used in packaging causes the development of technologies for designing methods and producing safe and degradable food packaging for the environment, which increase shelf life and freshness of food products.


Zohreh Mashak

Department of food Hygiene and Quality Control.Karaj Branch,IslamicAzad University,Karaj-Iran