Reproductive performance and
survival rate of
Washera sheep was evaluated in western highlands of Amhara region. Data collected from ۲۰۰۷ to ۲۰۱۰ in Farta and Lay Gaint districts with farmers management system and at Adet
Washera sheep breed improvement sub-center were used for the study. The effect of different fixed effects like management system, lamb sex, parity of dam, season of birth/lambing, year of birth/lambing and lamb birth type on
reproductive performance and
survival rate were analyzed. The effect of management system and birth year on weight at first lambing were significant that Ewes under
station management system had lower weight than their farm managed contemporaries (۲۰.۰۳±۱.۷ kg vs. ۲۳.۷۹±۱.۴ kg, p<۰.۰۱). The least squares mean lambing interval and annual reproductive rate of
Washera sheep under farm and
station management were ۳۰۳ days & ۱.۴۶ and ۲۶۳ days & ۱.۴۰, respectively. Management system, lambing year, lambing season and ewe parity affected lambing interval and annual reproductive rate of Washera sheep. The overall least squares mean
survival rate (%) of
Washera sheep from birth to one month, three months, six months, nine months and yearling of age were ۹۳, ۸۶, ۷۸, ۷۲ and ۶۷%, respectively. Management system, lambing year, lambing season and ewe parity were found to affect survival of
Washera sheep to all ages considered. The lower performances of sheep in most of the traits considered (eg., weight at first lambing, EPPWt and survival), in the station indicated the substandard management level followed in the station which needs great attention by the center. On the other hand, the better performance on the farmer management level shows the wider environmental adaptation of
Washera sheep which can be used in similar agro-ecological condition to the study areas. Different fixed effects influenced both reproductive performances and survival rates in the study and needs to be considered whenever there is a need to improve the performances of
Washera sheep breeds both under farm and
station management system in the highlands of Ethiopia.Reproductive performance and
survival rate of
Washera sheep was evaluated in western highlands of Amhara region. Data collected from ۲۰۰۷ to ۲۰۱۰ in Farta and Lay Gaint districts with farmers management system and at Adet
Washera sheep breed improvement sub-center were used for the study. The effect of different fixed effects like management system, lamb sex, parity of dam, season of birth/lambing, year of birth/lambing and lamb birth type on
reproductive performance and
survival rate were analyzed. The effect of management system and birth year on weight at first lambing were significant that Ewes under
station management system had lower weight than their farm managed contemporaries (۲۰.۰۳±۱.۷ kg vs. ۲۳.۷۹±۱.۴ kg, p<۰.۰۱). The least squares mean lambing interval and annual reproductive rate of
Washera sheep under farm and
station management were ۳۰۳ days & ۱.۴۶ and ۲۶۳ days & ۱.۴۰, respectively. Management system, lambing year, lambing season and ewe parity affected lambing interval and annual reproductive rate of Washera sheep. The overall least squares mean
survival rate (%) of
Washera sheep from birth to one month, three months, six months, nine months and yearling of age were ۹۳, ۸۶, ۷۸, ۷۲ and ۶۷%, respectively. Management system, lambing year, lambing season and ewe parity were found to affect survival of
Washera sheep to all ages considered. The lower performances of sheep in most of the traits considered (eg., weight at first lambing, EPPWt and survival), in the station indicated the substandard management level followed in the station which needs great attention by the center. On the other hand, the better performance on the farmer management level shows the wider environmental adaptation of
Washera sheep which can be used in similar agro-ecological condition to the study areas. Different fixed effects influenced both reproductive performances and survival rates in the study and needs to be considered whenever there is a need to improve the performances of
Washera sheep breeds both under farm and
station management system in the highlands of Ethiopia.