Analysis of the Impact of Johnson's Behavioral Model on Anxiety of Mothers of Children with Cancer

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 81

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background: Nowadays, cancer is one of the most critical health problems. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of the Johnson Behavioral Model on the anxiety of mothers of children with cancer.Methods: This empirical study was done on ۶۶ mothers of children with cancer in the centers covered by children with cancer in ۲۰۲۰. The samples were selected using simple random sampling. Data were collected using the Spielberger demographic and anxiety inventory. After data collection, data analysis was done in SPSS۱۸ using descriptive statistics and independent t-test, paired t-test, chi-square test, fisher, and covariance test. The significant level was set at ۰.۰۵.Results: The anxiety level was equal to ۱۱۲.۳۹±۱۸.۲۲ and ۱۱۱±۲۰.۰۷ before intervention and equal to ۸۱.۲۱±۶۰۱۲ and ۱۰۸.۴۲±۱۸.۳۷ after the intervention in the intervention and control group, respectively. The independent t-test showed no significant difference between the two groups before the intervention (Pvalue=۰.۷۶۹). However, the difference was significant after the intervention (Pvalue<۰.۰۱). The paired t-test showed a significant difference between the two groups before and after the intervention in the intervention (Pvalue=۰.۰۰۱) and control (Pvalue<۰.۰۰۱) groups.Conclusions: The results obtained from this study showed that the Johnson theory plays a key role in reducing the anxiety of mothers of children with cancer.Keywords: Johnson Behavioral Model, Anxiety, Mothers of children, CancerBackground: Nowadays, cancer is one of the most critical health problems. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of the Johnson Behavioral Model on the anxiety of mothers of children with cancer. Methods: This empirical study was done on ۶۶ mothers of children with cancer in the centers covered by children with cancer in ۲۰۲۰. The samples were selected using simple random sampling. Data were collected using the Spielberger demographic and anxiety inventory. After data collection, data analysis was done in SPSS۱۸ using descriptive statistics and independent t-test, paired t-test, chi-square test, fisher, and covariance test. The significant level was set at ۰.۰۵. Results: The anxiety level was equal to ۱۱۲.۳۹±۱۸.۲۲ and ۱۱۱±۲۰.۰۷ before intervention and equal to ۸۱.۲۱±۶۰۱۲ and ۱۰۸.۴۲±۱۸.۳۷ after the intervention in the intervention and control group, respectively. The independent t-test showed no significant difference between the two groups before the intervention (Pvalue=۰.۷۶۹). However, the difference was significant after the intervention (Pvalue<۰.۰۱). The paired t-test showed a significant difference between the two groups before and after the intervention in the intervention (Pvalue=۰.۰۰۱) and control (Pvalue<۰.۰۰۱) groups. Conclusions: The results obtained from this study showed that the Johnson theory plays a key role in reducing the anxiety of mothers of children with cancer. Keywords: Johnson Behavioral Model, Anxiety, Mothers of children, Cancer


Sahar Paryab ۱

Department of Nursing, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.

Hamid Hojjati ۱*

۱. Department of Nursing, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.

Nafiseh Hekmatipour ۱

۱. Department of Nursing, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.