Comparison of effect of botulinum toxin with clopidogrel and concomitant prescription of them in the survival of random skin flap in rats

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 84

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: In this study, the effect of botulinum toxin A and clopidogrel and concomitant administration of them in the survival of random skin flap in rat model were studied. Methods: First in all rats, flaps of ۳×۱۰ cm was created, the first group was the control group, in the second group immediately after surgery, botulinum toxin with dose of (international unit) ۱.۵ IU for was injected as intradermal. In the third group, immediately after surgery, clopidogrel powder that was previously dissolved in the solution of sodium chloride, orally using OGT (Orogastric Tube) and with a dose of ۲۵ mg/Kg was fed to animal. In the fourth group, after surgery, botulinum toxin like the second group and Plavix combination like the third group with the same dose was prescribed. After ۷ days, level and flap cutting was measured and calculated by morphology and pathology. Results: The mean of necrosis in control group was ۲۱±۲, in botulinum toxin A was ۹.۳±۰.۸, in clopidogrel group was ۱۴±۱.۷ and in clopidogrel+botulinum toxin A was ۱۲.۶±۱.۵ percent. The difference was statistically significant between groups (P<۰.۰۰۰۱). Conclusion: The finding of our study showed that injection of botulinum toxin A compared to control group and compared to clopidogrel group and combination of clopidogrel with botulinum toxin A show greater effect in the survival of flap and reducing distal necrosis.