سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 118

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

As a result of the development of political relations between Iran and Russia, and the increase in the number of translations of political news, there is currently a need for a study to consider the linguistic features of news headlines in Russian and Persian languages. In this work, based on ۳۰۰ headlines selected from ۲۱ – ۲۷ April ۲۰۲۱, from four news sites IRNA, ISNA, RIA NOVOSTI and GAZETA.RU, we intend to compare syntactic models of political news headlines in Russian and Persian languages. The novelty of the study lies on the fact that for the first time the syntactic models of political news headlines are examined in a contrastive manner on the material of the Russian and Persian languages. The results of our study show that the frequency of the phrase headings in Persian is much higher than in Russian, and in some cases sentence headings are translated to Persian by both sentence headings and phrase headings. Among syntactic structures, simple sentences are widely used in political news headlines in both languages.Extended abstract: The headline is one of the main and key elements in any text, especially in the news. It can be defined as the first element of each text that affects the readers' minds and attracts their attention. As a result of the development of political relations between Iran and Russia, and the increase in the number of translations of political news, there is currently a need for a study to consider the linguistic features of news headlines in Russian and Persian languages. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time, the syntactic models of political news headlines are examined in a contrastive manner on the material of the Russian and Persian languages. In this work, based on a comparison of the syntactic models of ۳۰۰ Russian and Persian headlines, selected from ۲۱ to ۲۷ April ۲۰۲۱, from four news sites IRNA, ISNA, RIA NOVOSTI, and GAZETA.RU, we came to the following conclusions:As a result of the development of political relations between Iran and Russia, and the increase in the number of translations of political news, there is currently a need for a study to consider the linguistic features of news headlines in Russian and Persian languages. In this work, based on ۳۰۰ headlines selected from ۲۱ – ۲۷ April ۲۰۲۱, from four news sites IRNA, ISNA, RIA NOVOSTI and GAZETA.RU, we intend to compare syntactic models of political news headlines in Russian and Persian languages. The novelty of the study lies on the fact that for the first time the syntactic models of political news headlines are examined in a contrastive manner on the material of the Russian and Persian languages. The results of our study show that the frequency of the phrase headings in Persian is much higher than in Russian, and in some cases sentence headings are translated to Persian by both sentence headings and phrase headings. Among syntactic structures, simple sentences are widely used in political news headlines in both languages. Extended abstract: The headline is one of the main and key elements in any text, especially in the news. It can be defined as the first element of each text that affects the readers' minds and attracts their attention. As a result of the development of political relations between Iran and Russia, and the increase in the number of translations of political news, there is currently a need for a study to consider the linguistic features of news headlines in Russian and Persian languages. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time, the syntactic models of political news headlines are examined in a contrastive manner on the material of the Russian and Persian languages. In this work, based on a comparison of the syntactic models of ۳۰۰ Russian and Persian headlines, selected from ۲۱ to ۲۷ April ۲۰۲۱, from four news sites IRNA, ISNA, RIA NOVOSTI, and GAZETA.RU, we came to the following conclusions:


Mahboubeh Aliyari Shorehdeli

Преподаватель университета «Тарбиат Модарес». Тегеран, Иран.

Sahar Ghazvinian

Магистр университета «Тарбиат Модарес», Тегеран, Иран

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