سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 76

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Actuality of study includes in analysis of communicative practices of realization of processual scenario in Russian business letter with using of attribution of activities of business partners and analysis of specific features of statute and role regulation of their position with using of deverbatives and deverbative compositions of words. In quality of object in presenting study are analyzing deverbatives with processual and agency importance existing in business documentation. A specific feature of proposing analysis includes in study of official business correspondence as a special form of interaction between communicators from pragmatic positions. This orientation gives possibility to characterize cognitive semantic features of texts belonged to business correspondence as social frames. In connection with the process of categorization, business letter can be presented as a concept with many components, which has all features of frame: existence of stable structure and semantic form. Searching changes in contents and in importance of deverbatives and deverbative compositions of words and their conceptual deviation are conditioned by change of context of their using which follows to forming in concrete institutional discourse of new definitions and gives possibility to characterize specific features of evolution of these language points from nomination to terminological equipment.Extended abstract:The study examines the use of deverbatives and their compositions in Russian business letters. Specifically, the communication practices related to processual scenarios and role regulations of business partners are analysed through the attribution of activities. The study focuses on deverbatives that have processual and agency significance in business documentation. The analysis of official business correspondence as a distinct form of communication between parties from pragmatic viewpoints is an important aspect in discovering its specific features. This approach enables the identification of cognitive semantic characteristics of texts within business correspondence as social frameworks. In relation to the process of categorisation, a business letter can be viewed as a concept with multiple components that possess all the characteristics of a frame, including the presence of a stable structure and semantic form. The evolution of deverbatives and deverbative compositions and their conceptual deviation depends on changes in context for their use within institutional discourse. This results in the formation of new definitions and the characterization of specific features of their evolution from nomination to terminological equipment. The aim of this paper is to present efficient practices for creating business correspondence texts. These practices can facilitate productive communication between socially active individuals in organizations. To achieve this aim, this paper analyses the question of choosing deverbative constructions. Through practical application, these constructions are demonstrated to be effective in promoting business activities in all languages, including Russian. The fundamental hypothesis of the study defines the decisive role of formal structural elements like frame constructions and communicative announcements in planning the communicative purpose of documentary texts. To validate this hypothesis and provide a methodological basis for the study, a community of approaches from structural and applied linguistics is utilised. The paper analyses verbal constructions that draw attention to specific situations common within business activities, as well as crucial phrase elements essential for organisational, particularly directive, projects. The study utilises complex and systematic approaches, employing methods such as content analysis and the synthesis of various textual elements to provide an objective comprehension of the overall meaning and functional orientation of business correspondence. From one perspective, the innovative nature of this paper lies in the amalgamation of scientific advancements in the world of communication with an analysis of the pragmatic orientation of specific documents. From other part in paper firstly in Russian language science these documents of business orientation are firstly studying in sphere of using variable deverbative constructions in them. In conclusion of study it is confirming that in texts of business documentation planning scenario of communication determines equally important structural and semantic elements partly depending from national language tradition.Actuality of study includes in analysis of communicative practices of realization of processual scenario in Russian business letter with using of attribution of activities of business partners and analysis of specific features of statute and role regulation of their position with using of deverbatives and deverbative compositions of words. In quality of object in presenting study are analyzing deverbatives with processual and agency importance existing in business documentation. A specific feature of proposing analysis includes in study of official business correspondence as a special form of interaction between communicators from pragmatic positions. This orientation gives possibility to characterize cognitive semantic features of texts belonged to business correspondence as social frames. In connection with the process of categorization, business letter can be presented as a concept with many components, which has all features of frame: existence of stable structure and semantic form. Searching changes in contents and in importance of deverbatives and deverbative compositions of words and their conceptual deviation are conditioned by change of context of their using which follows to forming in concrete institutional discourse of new definitions and gives possibility to characterize specific features of evolution of these language points from nomination to terminological equipment. Extended abstract: The study examines the use of deverbatives and their compositions in Russian business letters. Specifically, the communication practices related to processual scenarios and role regulations of business partners are analysed through the attribution of activities. The study focuses on deverbatives that have processual and agency significance in business documentation. The analysis of official business correspondence as a distinct form of communication between parties from pragmatic viewpoints is an important aspect in discovering its specific features. This approach enables the identification of cognitive semantic characteristics of texts within business correspondence as social frameworks. In relation to the process of categorisation, a business letter can be viewed as a concept with multiple components that possess all the characteristics of a frame, including the presence of a stable structure and semantic form. The evolution of deverbatives and deverbative compositions and their conceptual deviation depends on changes in context for their use within institutional discourse. This results in the formation of new definitions and the characterization of specific features of their evolution from nomination to terminological equipment. The aim of this paper is to present efficient practices for creating business correspondence texts. These practices can facilitate productive communication between socially active individuals in organizations. To achieve this aim, this paper analyses the question of choosing deverbative constructions. Through practical application, these constructions are demonstrated to be effective in promoting business activities in all languages, including Russian. The fundamental hypothesis of the study defines the decisive role of formal structural elements like frame constructions and communicative announcements in planning the communicative purpose of documentary texts. To validate this hypothesis and provide a methodological basis for the study, a community of approaches from structural and applied linguistics is utilised. The paper analyses verbal constructions that draw attention to specific situations common within business activities, as well as crucial phrase elements essential for organisational, particularly directive, projects. The study utilises complex and systematic approaches, employing methods such as content analysis and the synthesis of various textual elements to provide an objective comprehension of the overall meaning and functional orientation of business correspondence. From one perspective, the innovative nature of this paper lies in the amalgamation of scientific advancements in the world of communication with an analysis of the pragmatic orientation of specific documents. From other part in paper firstly in Russian language science these documents of business orientation are firstly studying in sphere of using variable deverbative constructions in them. In conclusion of study it is confirming that in texts of business documentation planning scenario of communication determines equally important structural and semantic elements partly depending from national language tradition.


Guryeva Natalya Yuryevna

Associate professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, Моscow, Russia.

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