سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 103

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

The predicative forms of the verb and participle, when functioning in the text, represent a certain set that the language needs to ensure its communicative task.The article deals with the problem of interchangeability of syntactic constructions with homogeneous verb forms (participial and predicative) in Russian and their equivalents in Persian. The functional dependence of the transformational potential of participial constructions on the contextual conditions of their use is also established, as a result of which a picture of possible Persian equivalents of the real and passive forms of Russian participles with a variety of their uses emerges. The implementation of transformational substitution of participles with predicative forms of verbs in lessons of Russian as a foreign language helps students to better understand the meaning of participles and participial phrases, and thereby it becomes possible for them to better understand the grammatical meaning of the original construction.Extended abstract:Participles are verbal adjectives. As such, they have characteristics of both verbs (tense, aspect, voice) and adjectives (gender, number, case). In Russian, participles are used to describe a quality or characteristic of a subject that depends on a verbal action: present active, past active, present passive and past passive participles. Past passive participles are almost always derived from perfective verbs. They are used all the time in Russian and are often thought of as adjectives. Like adjectives, they have both a short and a long form. The predicative forms of the verb and the participle, when functioning in the text, represent a certain set that the language needs to ensure its communicative task.In the teaching of Russian in Iranian universities, more careful consideration should be given to translated texts of Russian fiction in Farsi (preferably translated directly from Russian, without an intermediate language). The correct understanding of the participle in Iranian universities should be more carefully considered in translated texts of Russian fiction in Farsi (preferably directly translated from Russian, without an intermediate language).The article deals with the problem of interchangeability of syntactic constructions with homogeneous verb forms (participial and predicative) in Russian and their equivalents in Persian. The functional dependence of the transformational potential of participial constructions on the contextual conditions of their use is also established, as a result of which a picture of possible Persian equivalents of the active and passive forms of Russian participles with a variety of their uses emerges. The implementation of transformational substitution of participles with predicative forms of verbs in the teaching of Russian as a foreign language helps students to better understand the meaning of participles and participial phrases, and thus makes it possible for them to better understand the grammatical meaning of the original construction.The article considers participial forms at the textual level. These forms can function both as 'substitutes' for finite forms and as independent elements. The relations of classical collateral correlativity are observed when, during the transformation of the participial construction, the predicative form of the forming verb with the subject in the position of the first actant is introduced instead of the participle. Translators of Russian literature into Persian mostly adhere to the participial "character" (in specific and collateral meanings) when translating from Russian into Persian, which, contrary to expectations, indicates sufficient knowledge of the participial forms and their comprehensive consideration by translators, and can promise us even better translations of Russian literature.The predicative forms of the verb and participle, when functioning in the text, represent a certain set that the language needs to ensure its communicative task. The article deals with the problem of interchangeability of syntactic constructions with homogeneous verb forms (participial and predicative) in Russian and their equivalents in Persian. The functional dependence of the transformational potential of participial constructions on the contextual conditions of their use is also established, as a result of which a picture of possible Persian equivalents of the real and passive forms of Russian participles with a variety of their uses emerges. The implementation of transformational substitution of participles with predicative forms of verbs in lessons of Russian as a foreign language helps students to better understand the meaning of participles and participial phrases, and thereby it becomes possible for them to better understand the grammatical meaning of the original construction. Extended abstract: Participles are verbal adjectives. As such, they have characteristics of both verbs (tense, aspect, voice) and adjectives (gender, number, case). In Russian, participles are used to describe a quality or characteristic of a subject that depends on a verbal action: present active, past active, present passive and past passive participles. Past passive participles are almost always derived from perfective verbs. They are used all the time in Russian and are often thought of as adjectives. Like adjectives, they have both a short and a long form. The predicative forms of the verb and the participle, when functioning in the text, represent a certain set that the language needs to ensure its communicative task.In the teaching of Russian in Iranian universities, more careful consideration should be given to translated texts of Russian fiction in Farsi (preferably translated directly from Russian, without an intermediate language). The correct understanding of the participle in Iranian universities should be more carefully considered in translated texts of Russian fiction in Farsi (preferably directly translated from Russian, without an intermediate language).The article deals with the problem of interchangeability of syntactic constructions with homogeneous verb forms (participial and predicative) in Russian and their equivalents in Persian. The functional dependence of the transformational potential of participial constructions on the contextual conditions of their use is also established, as a result of which a picture of possible Persian equivalents of the active and passive forms of Russian participles with a variety of their uses emerges. The implementation of transformational substitution of participles with predicative forms of verbs in the teaching of Russian as a foreign language helps students to better understand the meaning of participles and participial phrases, and thus makes it possible for them to better understand the grammatical meaning of the original construction.The article considers participial forms at the textual level. These forms can function both as 'substitutes' for finite forms and as independent elements. The relations of classical collateral correlativity are observed when, during the transformation of the participial construction, the predicative form of the forming verb with the subject in the position of the first actant is introduced instead of the participle. Translators of Russian literature into Persian mostly adhere to the participial "character" (in specific and collateral meanings) when translating from Russian into Persian, which, contrary to expectations, indicates sufficient knowledge of the participial forms and their comprehensive consideration by translators, and can promise us even better translations of Russian literature.

کلیدواژه ها:


Mehrabi Qaysar

Assistant professor of the Russian language, Department of Russian language, Faculty of literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

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