Effect of One Bout Submaximal Endurance Exercise on Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolytic Factors in Patients with Hypertension

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 108

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: Hypertension is considered as a major risk factor for thrombotic events. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of one bout submaximal endurance exercise on blood coagulation and fibrinolytic factors in patients with hypertension. Methods: ۲۰ subjects were randomly selected out of ۷۰ adult males with hypertension (Mean ± SD; age: ۶۰.۲۵±۴.۵۹ yr, body mass index (BMI): ۲۹.۵۷± ۳.۶۸ kg/m۲, body fat percentage (BFP): ۲۰.۲۵± ۵.۳۱%, maximal oxygen uptake۳۴.۸۳±۲.۱۱ml/kg/min, systolic blood pressure(SBP): ۱۴۷.۲۰±۶.۴۳ mm Hg,diastolic blood pressure(DBP): ۹۴.۴۰±۳.۷۰ mm Hg). The participants carried out one bout submaximal endurance running for ۳۰ minutes within ۶۰ to ۶۵% of maximal heart rate reserve (MHRR). Blood samples were immediately taken before and after exercise. Dependent variables were categorized into three groups including ۱.Coagulation: fibrinogen (FIB), factor VIII (FVIII), prothrombin time (PT), prothrombin time activity (PTA), international normalized ratio (INR), activated partial thromboplastin time(aPTT), platelet (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV) ۲. Anticoagulation: protein C (PC), antithrombinIII (ATIII) ۳. Fibrinolytic: d-dimer (D-D), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), plasminogen activator inhibitor۱ (PAI-I), tPA/PAI-۱. For normalizing research data Shapiro- Wilk test was used. Data analysis was done by paired samples t-test at a significant level of (P≤۰.۰۵). Testing of the considered assumptions was carried out by SPSS software version ۱۹. Results: Paired sample t-test showed a significant reduction in aPTT (P=۰.۰۰۱), tPA (P=۰.۰۰۱), tPA/PAI-۱(P=۰.۰۱۴), PV (P=۰.۰۰۱) and a significant increase in FIB (P=۰.۰۰۱), FVIII (P=۰.۰۰۱), PLT (P==۰.۰۰۱), MPV (P=۰.۰۰۱), PC (P=۰.۰۰۱) and ATIII (P=۰.۰۰۱) levels. There was no significant change in PT (P=۰.۰۶۸), PTA (P=۰.۱۵۶), INR (P=۰.۰۶۰) and D-D (P=۰.۴۳۶)levels. Considering the volume of plasma, no significant changes in FIB were observed (P=۰.۸۱۴). Conclusion: It seems that submaximal endurance exercise activates the anticoagulation system which can overcome thrombotic conditions.

کلیدواژه ها:


Rohollah Valizadeh

Department of Exercise Physiology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Hojatollah Nikbakht

Department of Exercise Physiology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Farshad Ghazalian

Department of Exercise Physiology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Hossein Abednatanzi

Department of Exercise Physiology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

David L.Costill

Department of Exercise Sciences, Human Performance Laboratory, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, America

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