Innovation ecosystem in less developed countries - redefining and case study in IranInnovation ecosystem in less developed countries - redefiningand case study in Iran

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 209

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Innovation ecosystem is a concept that lead the startups and new ideas to grow their businesses and makenew benefit to present to the customers. Innovation, therefore, is not bounded to manufacturing a newproduct and can help to outspread a business in different sides, from management and production processes,Human Resources to how the product and after-sales services work. So, it is obvious that having a completeand deep awareness of the business and all its hidden and obvious angles is the fundamental condition forthe success of innovation. Therefore, the prerequisite for the success and effectiveness of the innovation isthe existence of a considerable and systematic relationship between owners, managers, elites and traditionalbusiness professionals with the owners of creative ideas in order to handle issues of businesses. Also thefourth industrial revolution can be very helpful.Significant players have considerable roles in the innovation ecosystem, including universities andventure capital funds, accelerators, incubators, science and technology parks, as well as angel capitals andinnovative companies. The question is: are these players sufficient and are they have good placement?Different countries have distinct innovation ecosystems based on their innovation policies. In this paperWe want to study different developing countries (because they are more similar to Iran (our target country)(innovation ecosystem such as Turkey, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.Finally, by Inspiration of developing countries innovation ecosystem, we investigated the Iranian modeland recognized deficiency of Iran innovation ecosystem and introduced a new corrected model that we willdiscuss in this Paper. In our paper we studied major issues to develop innovation ecosystem in Iran. Ourrevised model helps to solve some existing problems by using the potential power of big companies,chambers of commerce, common chambers, as well as large parks. So, other players, such as chambers ofcommerce, scientific associations, etc., can help the development of innovation ecosystem.


Asghar Jabalbarezisarbijan

IAMOT & ISPIM Member-Dubai

Hossein Khalatbary

Qeshmvoltage company

Nafiseh Zamani Moghadam

Qeshmvoltage company

Fatemeh Rafsanjani

Qeshmvoltage company