Numerical Analysis of Seismic Performance in High-PerformanceFiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composite (HPFRCC) Frames

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 120

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 دی 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Considering the importance of moment frames in concrete structures, reinforcing them withhigh performance fibers is very effective. High-performance fiber reinforced cementitiouscomposite (HPFRCC) materials exhibit strain hardening behavior under tension and can beused in seismic rehabilitation of structural members. The aim of this research is to evaluate theseismic performance of reinforced concrete and compare them with reinforced concrete frames,which was carried out using the numerical analysis method and ABAQUS finite elementsoftware to model a moment frame under different loads. After validating the softwareperformance, the modeling of the conventional reinforced concrete frame was conducted. Then,its panel zone was replaced by HPFRCC materials with different resistances and differentpercentages of reinforcements, and it was compared with reinforced concrete frame andreinforced HPFRCC frame. The results showed that with the increase of the vertical force onthe frame, the yield corresponding lateral displacement in reinforced concrete, reinforcedcomposite HPFRCC and HPFRCC frames decreased ۱۳-۴۱%, ۲۴-۴۱% and ۱۷-۳۴%,respectively. Lateral bearing capacity in reinforced concrete, reinforced composite HPFRCCand HPFRCC frames decreased ۱ -۲%, ۱-۴% and ۲-۷%, respectively. In HPFRCC frames, byincreasing the size of rebars from ۱۲ to ۱۴ mm and ۱۶ mm, the force increased by ۵% and ۲۰%,respectively, and the lateral displacement decreased by ۳% and ۴.۵%, respectively. Byincreasing the reinforcement area in the frame columns of all frames, the plastic hinge length(lP) and the plastic hinge rotation (θP) decreased in the columns and increased in the beam.


Meysam Ebrahimi Lakmeh Sari

Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Neyshabur (IAUN), Neyshabur, RazaviKhorasan, Iran.

Fatemeh Nesa Mohajer Mojeni

Department of Civil Engineering, Lamei Gorgani Institute of Higher Education, Gorgan, Golestan,Iran.

elhe sadat hossini

Master's degree in Civil Engineering - Construction Engineering and Management, Gorgan Institute ofHigher Education

Mohaddeseh Kalaei Moakhar

Master's degree in Architectural Engineering, Non-Profit Institute Gorgan, Iran