Calculation of Radiation Exposure due to Radionuclides Released to Envirormment in Accident of Dropping two Fuel Assemblies into the Spent Fuel Pool of Reactor Building in Unit-1 of Bushehs Nuclear Power Plant (BNIPB-I) Daring Fuel handling transport-process Operation.

سال انتشار: 1385
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 2,631

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 آبان 1385

چکیده مقاله:

In this research, Maximum Radiation Exposure dose is calculated for the Accident of Fuel handling during Loading Fuel Assembly in spent Fuel pool due to Drop of a Fuel. Assembly during its reloading to Spent Fuel Pool in Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant from the view point of radio nuclides release to the environment. Calculations are performed using a Gaussian Difhsion mode1[3,4] and a slightly modified version of AIREM computer code[6] to adopt for conditions in Bushehr. The results are comparable with the Final safety analysis report[2] which used DOZAM code[7]. Result of our calculations shows no excessive dose in populated regions. Maximum Activities due to fission products released in Spent Fuel Pool were calculated 2*1009 Bq/Kg (by AIREM Code) and 1.4*1009 by DOZAEM Code(Figs.2,3). Maximum Activities due to Radionuclides Released to Steel Containment were calculated by Codes as 4.5*1014, 3* 1014 respectively(Figs.4,5,6). Maximum Activities due to Radionuclides Released to Environment During Short-Tern in Accident by AIREM 8r. DOZAEM 2" 1010 , 7* 1009 respectively were calculated( Figs.8,9). The Results are comparable with the Final Safety Analysis Report(FSAR)which used DOZAEM code[2,7]. According to the above calculations we have no Excessive Radiation Exposure to Receptors(Operators, Skill Workers & People) during the Accident invclving Dropping of Fuel Assembiies into the Spent Fuel Pool of BNPP-1.


Haghighi shad

Ofogh Consulting Engineers-Boshehr Nuclear Power Plant- Unit-l(BWPP)


Amirkabir Ind. University


Ofogh Consulting Engineers-Boshehr Nuclear Power Plant- Unit-l(BWPP)


AEOI, Specialist of y Radiation Center , Tehran