Attitudes of Medical Students and Teachers towards Education in Community oriented Medical Education (COME) Centre Zanjan University of Medical Sciences ۲۰۰۴

سال انتشار: 1385
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 77

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 آذر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background: Practical training of medical students is not limited to only hospitals Outpatient departments and ambulatory care centers attending a greater number of patients can provide students with more exposure to a variety of medical cases Moreover communityoriented medical education centre where more patients come for consultation is a suitable centre for training medical students Although awareness toward the importance of communityoriented medical education is increasing and medical faculties have already adopted this approach for their training this idea does not appear to be accepted fully in all of schools Objective: To find the attitude of Zanjan Medical students and teachers towards education and facilities in COME centre in ۲۰۰۴۲۰۰۵ Methods: In this descriptive study two separate questionnaires for teachers and students were designed to assess their attitudes towards the method of education number of patients situation of centre and the quality of education in the Communityoriented Medical Education centers The questionnaires were filled out by ۱۳۶ interns and externs who had been trained in COME centre and ۱۴ teachers in Zanjan Medical University Validity of questionnaires had been confirmed and internal consistency reliability had been determined by Cronbachs alpha coefficient (۰۷۹) Results: In whole ۶۶۹% of the students and ۵۳۸% of the teachers were interested in attending COME program and most of them believed that COME is necessary for medical education The percentage of interns who agreed with this center was more than externs In regard to the teachers educational method the highest satisfaction rate (۸۳۲%) was obtained for teachers in the pediatrics ward (p=۰۰۰۰۵) In regard to the number and variety of patients pediatrics ward (with respectively ۷۱۷% and ۶۵۶%) was the best and internal ward (with respectively ۲۰۷% and ۲۱۵%) was the worst ward according to the students The overall satisfaction rate was ۵۱۹ ± ۱۲۵ in students and interns had a more positive attitude comparing to others Discussion: It seems that using more experienced teachers continuous supervision and evaluation of educational activities establishing proper research facilities and financial support of COME centers are necessary for improving communityoriented medical education

کلیدواژه ها:

Community ، Oriented Medical Education (COME) ، Attitude ، Student ، Teacher


Abbas-ali Nourian

Assistant Professor of Medical Prasitology and Mycology, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences

Nouraddin Mousavinasab

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, Community Medicine Dept., Zanjan University of Medical Sciences

Mojgan Vahhabi

General Practitioner, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences