The Burden on Cargivers from Hemodialysis Patients and Related Factors

سال انتشار: 1390
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 109

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 آذر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background and Objective: Caregivers of chronic renal failure are faced with Hemodialysis related problems and coping with caring responsibilities.The Caregiver Burden is The negative effect of living with these patients. The aim of this study was to determine The Burden on Cargivers from Hemodialysis Patients and related factors.   Material and Methods: ­ In this descriptive and analytical study, ۱۲۰ Caregivers of chronic renal failure­ patients treated by Hemodialysis Gorgon's Panje Hospital were selected via census method . The construment was a demographics chek list and Caregiver Burden scale. We did Data analysis by spss software with, independent T-test, oneway, pearson and spearman test (p< ۰.۰۵).   Results: The majority of Caregivers (۷۴.۲%) have severe Burden. There is a direct significant correlation between total Burden and the duration,of discase and revers significant correlation between total Burden and the ability to perform patients daily life activities ­­(p< ۰.۰۵). The caregivers with a disease endure the heavier Burden (p< ۰.۰۵). The caregivers with poor economic condition and Caregivers of with high dependenc y patients bear more Burdens (p< ۰.۰۵).   Conclusion:­ According to the findings, because of high Burden on Caregivers, we recommend that designing some plans to be designed to for improve the coping strategies and control of the factors affected on Caregiver Burden to promote their health .


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