The Viewpoint of Nurses about Professional Relationship between Nurses and Physicians

سال انتشار: 1389
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 91

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 آذر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Abstract Background and Objective: Communication is an interaction between two persons, in which a message is sent from a source to a receiver to provide an aim. The relationship between nurse and physician is the interaction existed in patient care to access to a common thrauputical goal. One of the main causes of stress in nursing profession is a lack of effective relationship with other health care workers, especially physicians. We decided to survey the professional relationship between nurses and physicians to promote patient care quality. Material and Methods: The subjects of this crossectional study were all ۹۷ nursing staff of three hospitals (Imam Khomeini in Bonab, sina and amiralmomenin in Maragheh).The instrument was a questionnaire composed of two parts of demographic data and professional relationship (۲۲ items) scaled by likert. The data were tabulated in computer and analyzed by SPSS (۱۶ versions). Results: The subjects are both female (۸۶.۸%) and male (۱۳.۲%). The mean age is ۳۲.۵ and record of service is ۸.۸ years. Seventy-seven percent of subjects are married and (۲۳.۳%) are single. Most of them (۹۴.۷%) are BSc of nursing and the rest are high school diploma of nursing. The viewpoint of nurses is moderate (۸۰.۴%), bad (۶.۲%) and good (۱۳.۴%). Conclusion: The main case of inappropriate interaction is that the physicions don’t try to ask nurses perspectives. When the interaction between nurses and physictions is improved, the level of nursing quality is increased too.
