Mortality and Prevalence of COVID-۱۹ in Variable Cancer Subtypes with Radiological Correlation at the King Hussein Cancer Center

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 71

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 آذر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Purpose: Radiographic abnormalities on first CT scans may correspond with increased risk of severe COVID-۱۹ infections in cancer patients. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use CT scans to identify the radiological characteristics of COVID-۱۹ in deceased cancer patients from Jordan's King Hussein Cancer Centre (KHCC), and to quantify the mortality rate in a subgroup analysis of individual cancers, all while comparing our findings to the existing literature.Methods: The inpatient and outpatient records of ۷۸۵ patients diagnosed with cancer who tested positive for COVID-۱۹ by RT-PCR between September ۲۰۲۰ and December ۲۰۲۰ were reviewed, along with the chest CT scans of ۲۴ patients who died of the disease. Microsoft Excel ۲۰۱۳ was used for all data analysis. We just make use of descriptive statistics.Results: In total, ۸۲ (۱۰.۵%) of COVID-۱۹-positive cancer patients passed away. Patients' median ages at death were ۵۸.۸ ۱۵.۵. There were ۳۸ male deaths (۴۷.۳%) and ۴۴ female deaths (۵۳.۷%). In our research, COVID-۱۹ was most frequently associated with diagnoses of breast cancer. Patients with gastrointestinal (GI) cancer and hematological cancer had the highest rates of death due to COVID-۱۹. Multiple myeloma patients had the greatest mortality rate compared to the total number of cases. Ground glass opacities with or without consolidations were the most often observed CT finding in the deceased. CT scans showing pleural effusion were more common in patients with severe COVID-۱۹ infection.Conclusion: COVID-۱۹ clinical features of KHCC cancer patients are assessed in this study. Patients with COVID-۱۹-related malignancy had a low overall death rate, and the radiological findings of COVID-۱۹ in the deceased were determined to be typical for the population as a whole.

کلیدواژه ها:

COVID ، ۱۹ Cancer Mortality rate Radiological findings


Mousa El Khaldi

Department of Radiology, King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan

Mira Al Jabi

Department of Radiology, King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan

Dana Alkhulaifat

Office of Scientific Affairs and Research, King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan

Mais Zmaily

Department of Radiology, King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan

Maysa Al-Hussaini

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan

Mariam Kharroubi

Department of Radiology, King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan

Tala Ghatasheh

School of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan

Samar Taqatqeh

Radiology specialist, private sector, Amman, Jordan

Abdallah Nofal

Department of Radiology, King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan

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