سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,361

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 اسفند 1391

چکیده مقاله:

GMDSS4 was the most important issue on marine safety since the advent of radio in 1899. The satellite communications have great advantages over terrestrial communications in GMDSS.Since the launch of first satellite by the previous state of USSR in 1957 and the American satellite called project SCORE in 1958 into the orbit has not passed so long time. But, nowthousands of satellites are in the orbit for different purposes. Satellites are categorized into:LEO; MEO and HEO, and regarding their orbit are categorized into: geocentric and geostationary satellites. INMARSAT satellites were the first satellites that were fully compatiblewith the GMDSS. They cover Earth between 70 º North and 70º South. It means that all over theworld except the Arctic regions. As the number of satellites and the service providing companies have grown very rapidly, International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) was created underIMO to coordinate the satellite service providers and users. Satellite communications are/can be used for GPS, EPIRB, LRIT, VTS, Internet, Fax, Email and weather status prediction and reporting, and SBMOS purposes in maritime. Due to the long distance that is between thetransmitter and the receiver of data, there are two main disadvantages: the first is some time delay between transmission and reception of data, and the second is the error on data transmission due to the long distance of path


Touraj Amir Khosravi

Lecturer islamic Azad university - Islamic Azad university, Karaj

Amir Farzadnia

Technical Export - PMO

Mehran Raeisi

Technical Export - PMO