Investigation factors affecting academic tendency in bachelor students of nutrition sciences in Varastegan institute for medical sciences: ۲۰۲۲

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 117

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 آذر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: Universities are the origin of society's transformations in various fields and students as the main pillars of the university form the main body of various organizations and organs of the society. For this purpose, it is necessary to have information about the current situation and the attitude of students towards their field. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effective factors in the selection of nutrition science students of Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences. Material and Methods: This is an applied study that was carried out in a descriptive-cross-sectional way. The studied population was students studying nutrition sciences at Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences. To collect data, a questionnaire was created by a researcher, whose validity was evaluated with the help of expert panels consisting of experts in the health information technology group of Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences, and the reliability of the questionnaire was determined by determining Cronbach's alpha. Results: According to the findings of the study, the majority of users were ۶۸.۷% female and ۳۱.۳% male. ۴۳.۳% of students had an average knowledge and awareness of their field and ۴۴.۸% had a positive view of their field. ۸/ ۳۸% of students chose this field based on the recommendation of others. The satisfaction with the field of study of the current study was ۴۹.۳%, which was close to the satisfaction of half of the students under study, and ۶۱.۲% of the students were very satisfied with the assignment of medical system code and having an office. ۴۱.۸% of nutrition science students were very satisfied with their career future and ۴۱% believe in the existence of a suitable job market. Conclusion: The most important factor in choosing a field is the assignment of the code of the medical system and having an office at the time of employment, and many students believe that this field is suitable for social values and the existence of a suitable job market, and they consider the relevant job interesting and purposeful to serve the society.


Gholamreza Moradi

PhD in Health Information Management, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Information Technology, Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

Mahsasadat Hamouni

BSc in Health Information Technology, Department of Health Information Technology, Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

Fateme Moghbeli

PhD in Medical Informatics, Assistant Professor, Varastegan Institute of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran