Analysis of genotype and genotype × environment interaction in durum wheat in warm rainfed areas of Iran

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 93

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 آذر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the magnitude of G × E interaction effects on durum wheat grain yield and to identify superior genotypes adapted to the test environments. Twenty improved durum wheat genotypes were tested in five locations over three growing seasons. Combined ANOVA indicated that the effect of year (Y) was significant and that of the location (L) was not, but that their interaction (Y × L) was highly significant. The main effect of genotype was also significant, as was the genotype × year interaction (G × Y); genotype × location interaction (GL) was not significant, but three-way interactions (G × Y × L) were highly significant. Clustering of genotypes based on intercept and slope parameters of the linear regression model produced three distinct groups, while using only line slopes for clustering produced no groups at all. The coefficient of determination of the linear regression model ranged from ۰.۸۴ (G۱۰) to ۰.۹۸ (G۲); therefore, it can be concluded that this clustering method was somewhat useful for this data set. According to the dendrogram of clustering based on G and G × E interaction of ANOVA, there were ۱۵ genotypic groups, while according to the dendrogram of clustering based on G × E interaction of ANOVA, there were ۱۲ genotypic groups. Considering all clustering methods and mean grain yield, genotypes G۸ (۲۵۹۰ kg ha-۱) and G۱۳ (۲۵۹۲ kg ha-۱) were superior and thus can be recommended as candidates for release in warm rainfed areas of Iran.


R. Karimizadeh

Dryland Agricultural Research Institute, Ghachsaran, Iran.