Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Social Support with Burnout in Nurses in Intensive Care Units

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 105

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 آذر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background and purpose: Since job burnout affects the patients' quality of care, it is useful to identify more effective factors in improving the quality of services. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and social support with job burnout among nurses. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted in the winter of ۲۰۱۸. The research population included ۲۱۴ nurses of intensive care units in the medical and educational center of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences by census sampling method. Data were gathered using Bradbury and Graves' social intelligence, Philips et al.’s social support, and Maslach and Jackson’s burnout questionnaires. For analyzing the research hypotheses, Pearson correlation, linear regression, and Sobel test were used.    Findings: Two of the nurses exhibited low emotional intelligence (%۰.۹۳), while two of them had average (%۰.۹۳) and ۲۱۰ had high emotional intelligence (%۹۸.۱۳). ۱۸.۲۲% had low burnout, ۷۳.۳۶% had average and ۸.۴۱% had high burnout rate. The correlation between emotional intelligence with social support was ۰.۱۲۵, and the probability was greater than ۰.۰۵. The correlation between emotional exhaustion and perceived social support, personality deprivation, individual performance, and job burnout were found to be ۰.۰۱۲, ۰.۰۷, -۰.۰۴۵, and ۰.۰۱۵, respectively; whereas probability values for all of these relationships were more than ۰.۰۵. The correlation between emotional intelligence and emotional exhaustion, personality deprivation, individual function, and burnout were -۰.۲۶۳, -۰.۱۲۵, -۰.۳۱۳, and -۰.۳۳۵, respectively. The probability values except for the person's depersonalization variable, for other relationships, were also less than ۰.۰۵, and the relationship was documented to be significant. Conclusion: There was a significant and inverse relationship between emotional intelligence and job burnout, but there was found not a significant relationship between social support with job burnout, and emotional intelligence with social support.


Sadegh Safa'i Kochaksaraei

Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

Mohammad Ali Heidari Gorgji

Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

Tahere Yaghoobi

Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

Jamshid Yazdani Cherati

Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

Hedayat Jafari

Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

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