Investigation of human epididymal protein(HE۴) biomarkers in predicting endometrial cancer inpremenopausal and postmenopausal women (review).

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 64

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background: Studies have shown that an increase in humanepididimal secretory protein ۴ (HE۴) levels is a significant indicatorof malignant gynecological cancers, including endometrialcancer (EC). The increase in the incidence of endometrialcancer in recent years underscores the imperative for comprehensiveresearch in this domain. Endometrial carcinoma arisesfrom alternation in the structure of the endometrium, and numerousstudies have documented the presence of genes withabnormal expressions in relation to this disease. Investigationsabout the genes associated with this disease and the biomarkersproduced have a pivotal role to play in the direction of treatment.Materials and Methods: For writing this review, we usedonline databases such as pubmed and google scholar. Afterreviewing ۷۰ articles related to biomarkers in EC, ۳۰ articleswere selected, some of which directly addressed HE۴. The articleswere focused on the patient who underwent endometrial biopsy,curettage, or hysteroscopy and were eligible to participatein the studies based on their histopathological result.Results: The normal serum level of HE۴ is ≤۷۰pmol/l. However,it is significantly higher in cancer patient, premenopausal≥۷۰ pmol/l and postmenopausal ≥۱۴۰ pmol/l. The serum levelof this marker fluctuates with treatment and disease replace. Astatistically significant difference was observed in the initial diagnosisand disease recurrence between patient with and withoutdisease replace. An increase in the HE۴ level had a directcorrelation with the tumor grade. Serum level of more than ۹۰%increased the diagnosis of invasion to the myometrium by ۵۰%.Conclusion: In ۱۰ studies, HE۴ was found to be a promisingpredictor for the diagnosis, prevention, and recurrence of EC. Itis used for evaluating the risk factors for EC in the later stagesof malignancies. Further research is needed to fully understandthe clinical effects of this marker for the better management ofendometrial cancer.

کلیدواژه ها:


Solmaz mahmoudi

Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch

Azar Sheikholeslami

Department of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Academic Center forEducational, Culture, and research (ACECR), Qom Branch, Qom,Iran