Heat Transfer Enhancement in Serpentine Mini-Channel Heat Sink by Wavy Side Walls and CuO/Water Nanofluid

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 133

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

In the present study, a novel geometry of a serpentine mini-channel heat sink with wavy channel side walls is introduced. The results show that the use of wave-shaped channel walls can increase the Nusselt number and pressure drop by an average of ۶۷.۳۳% and ۱۵۷.۳۷%, respectively, when pure water is used as a cooling fluid. Adding CuO nanoparticles with ۴% concentration makes an improvement of ۱۵.۳۴% in Nusselt number in simple mini-channel compared to pure water, on average. This value for the wavy mini-channel is about ۹۳% higher compared to the simple mini-channel with pure water. The thermal performance factor is employed to assess the sustainability of the wavy design of microchannels by considering both thermal and hydraulic performances. The results indicated that the best hydro-thermal performance belongs to the serpentine mini-channel heat sink with the wavy side walls channel and nanofluid in a volume fraction of ۴%. which is about ۴۴.۲% better than the serpentine mini-channel heat sink with simple side walls and pure water.


Mostafa Mahboobi

Mostafa MahboobiPh.D. candidate, University of Kashan

Ghanbar Ali Sheikhzadeh

Ghanbar Ali SheikhzadehFull professor, University of Kashan

Abolfazl Fattahi

Assistant Professor, University of Kashan