Technical Efficiency of Temple Owned Lands in Tamil Nadu, India

سال انتشار: 1387
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 100

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

The paper attempts to study the efficiency of crop production and resource use effi-ciency on temple tenants and owner farms in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu. A sam-ple of ۹۰ temple tenants and ۵۰ owner farmers from two taluks of Tirunelveli District, nawely, Shencottah and Tenkasi were selected for the study. The reference period of the study was ۲۰۰۲-۲۰۰۳. The efficiency analysis with the stochastic frontier production func-tion has shown, and a resource use efficiency analysis implied that there was ample scope to increase the productivity of the temple tenants and owner farmers by adopting appro-priated technologies as well as the optimum allocation of the available resources. Effi-ciency of the farmers could be supported by technical efficiency, the results of which had indicated that owner farmers were more efficient than the temple tenants. This reveals that there is wider scope for further improvement in the technical efficiency of the temple owned lands.

کلیدواژه ها:

Productivity ، Resource use efficiency ، Stochastic frontier production function


T. Rajendran

Ellappanaickarthottam, Sampath Nagar Rajendraprasath St., Seeranaickanpalayam. P. N. Pudur, Coimbatore- ۶۴۱ ۰۰۷, India.

K. Palanisami

Ellappanaickarthottam, Sampath Nagar Rajendraprasath St., Seeranaickanpalayam. P. N. Pudur, Coimbatore- ۶۴۱ ۰۰۷, India.

M. Jegadeesan

Ellappanaickarthottam, Sampath Nagar Rajendraprasath St., Seeranaickanpalayam. P. N. Pudur, Coimbatore- ۶۴۱ ۰۰۷, India.